just keep swimming, just keep swimming
ok i chose that title because it is how i feel in reference to our life.. i think it is off of Nemo... just focus and keep moving...so i am every bit confused today as i have ever been,, he is back to running a temp despite the third medication, but his pain was far less today not as many muscle spasms... the day went on and he really did pretty well .. we talked a little - he stayed dry for the most part, asked to brush his teeth , ate "some" at every meal even enjoyed eating some.... we have decided to put off the hernia surgery till the infection is gone... we kept anticipating it would be, dan even stood today for a few seconds with the PT's help.. it hurts the edema makes it hard... painful... for him but he did what he could.. thank you honey... we cuddled in bed a little - he wanted me in there with him... but we have had a episode of something it might have been a seizure but he rolled over and eyes awake he just stared ahead, beth was with me ( just got off work here at the hospital) ...i sent her to get a nurse , she left and dan continued to stare ahead then he just closed his eyes and seemed to pass out... so seizure ???? the nurses and i arent sure whats going on, so we are bringing the ER doc up to look at him... might be a post seizure sleep- those are deep- and for a few moment right after the episode he responded by squeezing the nurses hand and even talked hurts all over... but now is seems deep under... i have sent beth home, its like he is comatose again.... he seems peaceful .. wew were watching a rerun episode of the BIBLE saga on the history channel.... and i pointed out to dan the narrative jesus had with lazareth, when he brought lazareth back to life... i cant remember the specifics but basically now there is no more death... i'm gonna publish now and write more as a add on when i know more.... i really am thinking something is definatley going on in his brain, new stuff...... bad or good i do not know.... but this is all new , and i could run to a nuerologist and depending how this plays out we will see if one gets involved ( from a distance) but i doubt anyone can tell me anything --- the brain being that absolute mystery it is.... just keep praying, just keep praying... is maybe a more accurate name to this post....
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