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Happy Easter and Bruce's birthday



Happy Easter to all. It will be a quiet day here. My brother wants us to come to his house, but Bruce has not had a good week and I opted to leave it open. As all good Italian children, if we decide last minute, there will be plenty to go around - LOL.


We just came off Bruce's 4th year stroke anniversary and what a week it was! Next weekend is his birthday and Bruce's dearest friend, Don and his wife are coming for hopefully an overnight. They have a dog, Callie. Callie often comes with Don for visits. But an overnight in a strange house is something else. Plus Don's wife suffers severe insomnia, also a consideration. Of course, I left it open, but am figuring they will head home after dinner.


Don's wife has not been here in a very long time. She came a couple of times when I just moved in and of course, came for the wedding, but I am thrilled she is coming for the day. With help from here, the menu is set and shopping list made out.


Bruce has not had a good week. I had to work extra and that always comes back to haunt me. Caregivers do everything here, so Bruce has no "prod" to do anything. I have accepted that - it is what it is. We worked on him setting goals, but without me here to reinforce, they fell by the wayside. So obviously we still have yet to figure out what motivates Bruce. Fortunately I noticed this on Friday and was able to scale back my work hours for next week - mainly the mornings, when Bruce's routine is cut and dry and there are no short cuts. I really do have to consider all this. I can't have him backsliding and part of me just knows he won't do it alone or with caregivers. I have to be on deck. I am just going to have to figure out what is best for Bruce. I did a lot of errands, based on the weather reports last week without Bruce. This is so much a large part of his day, he loves the going but it is Debbie-driven. So it was apparent this morning that I needed to take Bruce on the errand run. I even made him sit in the driveway, in his WC until I had unloaded the truck.


Am watching the weather report just now. This entertaining takes a lot of work. Weather permitting, we will want to get out on the deck, that means dragging out and cleaning the furniture. Plus the meal, snacks prep. Caregivers will make sure my house is immaculate and ready for guests. They insist on everything be ready for a Mary Beth visit and no one is easier than Mary Beth. But she does love that they have her bed made up and windows open! But I did speak with Bruce about the amount of work involved and the need for his cooperation. I expect him out on the deck while I am prepping it and he will have to help with the meal prep. Thing is, Bruce loves this. It is not the helping that bothers me. He will love being outside, even if he is limited as to how much he can help and loves direction in the kitchen.


Part of me knows, inside he knows he should offer and loves doing it. But then I think maybe the stroke, or me, makes him hesitant to do it. My thinking has been that he needs to concentrate on his stuff. But Nancy mentioned with Dan just this week and I gave a lot of thought to that. If they are task driven, they just seem to do better. And I have to be the task driver.


Week after that is Kira's and Bruce's check up. We will see how Missy does with her calcium levels and Bruce's diabetes check. I will say since I had added Kira's meals to Bruce's responsibility list, they are even more inseparable than ever! Thick as thieves the two of them - LOL. Bruce is also prepping my breakfast to take to work and Friday there was a bite out of my banana- guess Kira is helping him - LOL. It made for a really light, fun moment in a very difficult morning. Debbie


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Sounds like your usual busy week Debbie. The guests do make for extra work but we benefit in so many different ways, the stimulation, happy chat, smiles and laughter of itself is good medicine.


Hope the visits go really well and no glitches.



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Happy Easter to you and Bruce. Hope everything goes well for you this week. You seem to be very busy lately.


Larry went to the PT session and she had him try an ortho that only went up to his calf. It did help him pick that left foot up and he didn't mind wearing it. If he can walk and lift that left leg at the end of the therapy, then she won't push the AFO, if not, well here goes one more thing for me to help him with. I don't want him to keep falling. He tends to drag his left leg.


Some of the kids are coming over for dinner. It will be a little more quiet this year for Easter but we don't mind. I look forward to the warmer weather.


Larry is till wanting to travel as he mentioned yesterday. So here's hoping.



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Debbie you and Bruce are doing well. It is difficult to keep pushing and pushing. But, luckily for them that is in our DNA. I keep pushiing Wm. He does take it easy with the caregiver. But, he is willing to meet me at the YMCA. SO. I will continue to meet him at the pool when I get off work.


I do hope that you had a blessed Easter and I know that you will have a wonderful visit.



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I love reading your posts , and i use you in my head all the time as a role model for myself.... i have a little bit of debbie, colleen, ruth , sarah,sandy ,julie, sue, donna and lots of others in my head i draw from the knowlege and experience-- we provide each other with.... i wish we could have a stroke colony... kinda like the hippies of past... its probably the lonely north dakotan in me talking ... oh well it is what it is and i love reading what everyone does just to make the wheels go around in their homes...

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