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Getting organized



Prestroke I was not very organized person though I was very fast on my feet and brain so never had need to be organized. Post stroke realized being organized I spare myself lot of searching for keys or cell phone and unnecessary aggravation. My sisters family take pride in being organized and clean, which used to turn me off from organizing. Of course I love their clutter free home. Finally I bit bullet and started organizing few areas in our home like my plastic containers for food and our bathroom sink. I never knew you can get so much joy out of looking at no clutter place. Now I know why some people get so much joy out of cleaning. My next project is get organizes for our taxes too, right now system works well for hubby, but since I want to learn and do our taxes his filing system does not work well for one handed person like me, so will have to create something which will work for both of us so here I'm again sharing joys of my new goal






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Me to !!! as well as Dan-- Dan was always clean and organised prestroke and post stroke even severly affected he wants it clean !! and hey your goal and mine are the same - get the house straightened up, i have so much clutter -- its crazy... a lot from dans hospitalization -- come home shower, drop stuff off, only went through the important mail ... lots to do but still not much time, hope to get to it soon..

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Well I'm not too organized but I get stuff done somehow and I am finishing up on my taxes today or tomorrow for sure. I am using Turbo Tax again for 5 years now. Just one hand is what I use. Last year H&R Block offered a free tax second look for free. I haven't seen the ad for this year yet.I would have paid more using their figures so I will use my figures again this time around too since I'm paying less this year than last year.


We did have more taxes taken out for this year and put exemptions to one or none on some of our incomes. That is why taxes are less but we feel the difference in not carrying her mother since she passed three years ago. Good luck on preparing yours if you use your system! I bet he could understand what you are doing.

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Fred :


hubby is CPA & uses turbotax for our home taxes, he already finished our taxes, but I am taking initiative this year saying I want to learn & when I try his filing system does not work well for me, so for next year I am going to get filing system which will work for both of us, that's my goal for myself, and other one is to finish our taxes this year just for sake of learning with his filing system.



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