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Bruce's 63rd birthday!



I was holding off medicating Bruce for the night. He is exhausted and so needs to sleep in tomorrow. In the meantime, his TV is still blaring and I know he is still awake and I just want to get into bed. My back is truly screaming. Good news is if I wear shoes during the day, it helps. And that is truly how I got through today.


What a terrific day we both had. Friends started checking in about 10am - his boss/friend. From what I know Bob taught Bruce who taught Bill (Graphic Arts) and their birthdays are one month apart all on the 6th. So it was really special that Bill called first. Bruce's Godson called, just as his Dad was pulling into the driveway. Bob - the Dad, brought sugar free treats. Then Bob's wife called.


We had done our normal morning routine. I knew Don and Paulette were due around 1pm, so I wanted to stretch out the morning. I decided to do the main dish ahead of time, so we were both off to the kitchen. Kudos to Colleen. As we added layers, Bruce taste tested all. We cleaned up the kitchen, set up for the last two courses, folded laundry and then set up the appetizers.


California checked in about noon and then Bruce got a call from his oldest friend in Florida. Her Mom was very close to Bruce. And she and her brother are truly the only family Bruce has. He is still talking about it. Her brother checked in at 7pm, just as Bruce was getting ready for bed and of course, Mary Beth.


Paulette has not been here in a very long time, so she and I did a tour of all the changes in the house and yard. Of course she helped with the meal and did all the clean up. We have been entertained in her house so many times, I was just pleased to be able to do something special for the visit. Bruce and Don are just Bruce and Don - LOL. They cover every topic on earth and just so love each other's company. Kira always attaches to Don, but it was fun to watch her interact with Paulette. Julie - she was a perfect hostess-kitty - LOL.


Way back in the prestroke days, we had weekends with all of Don and Bruce's roommates from undergrad school. Paulette and I would often find a quiet corner to catch up. Their son and our Britt connected and were happy with the other kids. In the later years, we were able to spend more time and then stroke. It is important that we get along. Don and Bruce are so tightly connected. But it is one thing to be able to get through a weekend every once and a while and another to truly get to know and actually enjoy time together.


Just a perfect couple of days. Bob is coming tomorrow for lunch and we are sure to hear from New Mexico. I just wanted this to be a special time for Bruce. He deserves it. I love it when the stress lines relax and he just laughs. Plus he was so just on - helping, clearing, managing the toileting. Now, if he would just go to sleep - LOL. Debbie


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good for you --- NO great for you!!!! my mom was a CNA for 40 years and shoes all the time were a must have.... all the time... she had like 5 of her favorite kind at any given time... saved her back and her feet... all those years of hard work on cement take its toll.... and mom always said use your head, or you will --- use our feet.... as i get older i appreciate that saying more and more... and repeat it often, back when i would train new officers... think ,or your gonna have to do this twice... ohhh went off on memory lane for a minuet --- luckily, i know you are gracious enough to let me steal your blog for that second... thanks and i am so glad--- you had a well deserved good time !!!! nancyl

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Debbie, that sounds like a wonderful party. Yes, take care of your back. I'm glad Kira enjoyed it too. : )


I have always wanted to reciprocate having Larry's friends and co-workers over but just can't seem to get ahead here. Maybe I need Colleen's help too.lol I know Larry would enjoy it the same as Bruce just to have that common bond again, and yes, smiling!


The weather here is great - 70 yesterday and 70's today. I am so ready for the warmer weather, getting out without bundling us up and enjoying the great outdoors! So sick of winter.


Be thankful Bruce will get up in the a.m. I have a hard time getting Larry up. It usually takes 2-3 wake up calls. The cats use to do it but now they get after me. lol



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