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We Canceled The Trip To The Casino But Will Go Another time Soon



Well we planned a trip to do a bit of gambling but had to cancel. So many other things came up as usual when you make plans to go some place. The money won't spoil but could shrink some as we discovered there were other items that needed our undivided attention here at home.


There is always another time we can make the trip and hope we return as winners too! My wife loves to play the penny machines all over the casino. Sometimes she will visit another casino close by when she is not doing to good in one casino. I really think and feel all care givers could enjoy a break from their survivors to have time for themselves to do something pleasing for themselves.


I like to play the quarter machines too and I do pretty good considering the time I play. I'm a cheap player in that I start with $20 dollars and if I get no pay back in a few turns of the wheels I will leave that machine to go find another one that is paying off. Because I move so often, I am glad I use a scooter to get around or I would have very tired feet. I just can't sit there and keep pushing the button and not being rewarded.


I quit pulling the handle long ago before the stroke when I was in the Army. Some of you casino players probably remember when we carried little cups around with us from machine to machine to put our coins in. The real dirty fingers you get from handling the coins was a trip but they had little napkins everywhere to clean your fingers.


Now the "Cash out" button is there and out comes a paper slip you can put in the next machine you play or can cash it out in yet another machine to get cash back. It makes playing the machines a bit more fun and for me enjoyable on my scooter. There are always other players there in Wheelchairs, and using walkers too. I have to suppose the casino is a play ground for the senior citizens these days because there are always many of them playing all over the casino.


I used to play card games but not since the stroke. Having one hand for me would make it hard to see my down cards peeking under the corners. Plus the card games has changed so much and I don't know how to play many of the table games being played now. Then trying to get my scooter up to the card table would be another problem for me.


A change of scenery is good for survivors and care givers alike and a chance to clear the mind and get out of a normal pattern for a couple days. I don't know when we will consider our next trip but probably before Thanksgiving Day I think. Then my wife has relatives there in New Orleans so it could be anytime she is off her job for a couple days and I drive all the way there. That's an 8 hour drive for me and 500 miles.


OK Nancy, Debbie, Coleen and others I will still go just don't know how soon now? This was supposed to be my birthday gift from my wife but now I get a dinner tonight from Golden Coral.


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Happy Birthday Fred. Yes, you can celebrate later at the casino. It seems everything is crowded around here until school starts again. Our granddaughters start next month already.

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Thanks you all, the dinner was real good, steak I could chew and cooked just right how I like it and baby back ribs; how sweet was that?? I gave her a few dollars more on the 9th, her birthday, the dinners for us both was 20.00 and she got 200.00 in her card from me but I won't tell anyone!

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