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:notfair: GD old body! A few feet might as well be a few miles! Try any harder and I'd be sprawled on the floor! splat!


The fox came back this afternoon and Gracie was inside this time. By the time I could get the camera, he was into the trees. We have a thin row of trees behind the property. Then a doe and two fawns came in the yard....again no camera! The fox poked out again - no camera! I would have great shots out my bedroom rear window if I could get there in time with the camera. I left the camera in an open case in the bedroom. Now, if I can only get there in time! :please:


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I have loved watching wild life here and trying to get a pic. One of our neighbors puts out water for the deer and we've enjoyed watching them come to get a drink. Unfortunately, they just put up a huge privacy fence, so our deer watching days are gone :(

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Maybe this will help. Having grown up in a very "country" setting, I too, love taking nature pictures but even before stroke I wasn't fast enough for the kinds of animals where I live so I quit trying to catch them and I started letting them come to me. Like you, it seemed they always showed up in a certain part of my yard so I set up an "observation" point by a particular window in my house. I kept my camera on a desk there and to cut down on boredom (I'm inpatient) I would nature watch, or have coffee, or do paperwork while waiting. Often what I was waiting for never came but I would usually still catch something I wasn't expecting. Coming away with something eased the frustration of coming away with nothing and I got great shots while waiting for the intended shot..

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Thanks folks! :) As I said....I moved the camera to the bedroom now, if I can get this old body there in time (it really isn't far - just awkward) I will be happy. The special moment is lost but, hopefully there will be another one. Gracie chirps when we have a visitor - my alarm system. lol


I have a "fellow" artist who would love to see what I see (she paints wildlife) and I would love to share it with her and all my other friends. These beautiful animals linger in clear view if only I can get there and snap a shot in time. I hope next time I can.

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