matter how well meant
The advice I was given to get a gun and shoot a snake (thin long thing) inside the house was about the stupidest advice I have ever heard! What's came from our illustrious police force. don't just let anyone have a gun and a cripple is low on the list of who should have one.
#2...shooting any weapon in the house is a big No-No at any time. Shooting one in a motorhome with the 2 huge 50 gal. tanks of gas and propane tanks and lines is even more a NO-NO. Not to mention wiring everywhere, batteries, and metal framework.
#3...Bullets travel long distances. Motorhomes have very thin outer fabric. Who knows how far the bullet would go or where it would end up. Remember..."I shot an arrow in the air.....".
It may have been well meant but, they are not supposed to be pushing guns on the public - are they? It's a sad state of affairs.
I am still wondering why they kept sending cops (who were afraid of snakes) instead of Wildlife Management (who finally came). It's broke and too late to fix.
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