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We're Ready



I don't think Bruce and I have every traveled without some sort of issue trying to prevent it.


On a trip to San Diego, thunderstorms prevented any planes coming into our airport. We were bussed to New York. I have a framed picture of Bruce and I on the front page of the local newspaper waiting for the bus. On a trip to New Mexico, raccoon had gotten into the bathroom of the addition and Animal Control, bless them, came in and removed him before we had to leave. On the Ireland trip, Bruce found an injured Fisher Cat and waited hours for some Animal Rescue group to come.


Why should this be any different? And you all know how I plan things out. Weather was rainy this morning. We were able to pack. Sun came out but I still put the Scooter battery pack into the truck, just in case. And now, a wind storm. It is pretty mild out still and I had not closed up the house for the night, so heard the crack and the thud and then just prayed. About an eight foot limb down in the side yard. No house, no fence. It is the tree just off the bedroom, deck door open. Of course, wakes Bruce up and he wants to go out and see! Well that is not happening. I checked it with flashlight and hope lawn man can take care of it. All that tree work done, still Mother Nature reminds me.


I was messaging Julie that I finally had everything done, really surprised how well all the prep went and was looking forward to just some time out until tomorrow. Yes, I will have to be on deck. This is not a relaxing, fun time for me and I knew that going in from Colleen and Nancy. Once I am assured of the handicap room and access to the stairs, planned on just some fun time with Bruce away from home, time out from Stroke recovery. Will be up for a while, trying to calm down and awaiting the next blow - LOL. Please don't tell me not to worry, stuff happens. Worry is what we, as Caregivers do, because there is no one else anymore. Someone who would say "don't worry Ethyl, I can take care of that with the chainsaw when we get back." Not to mention the rest of the night.


Kira has been a pill all day. Funny, she just knows. Bruce is trying to exercise and she won't get off him - LOL. And she has been attached to me all evening. Even wanted to go with me to check out the limb - LOL. Not safe for little kitties. Just a little grounding I guess. Debbie

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Of course you're nervous (and I'm not talking about the tree limb) but that makes the fun and relaxation that's coming all the better! Just remember, you have a bottle of wine waiting for you....

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