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Why Now? I Seem To Be Going Down Hill In My Recovery Process



Anyone ever felt they were going backwards in their recovery process?? I'm in both therapies OT and PT and my ability to stand, walk and move my arms, legs is nearly none existence anymore! For some odd reasons I feel pretty much like I did 10 years ago when I came home in a WC unable to walk.


I never would have imagined this would be the case with me this many years later. It all started when it got very difficult for me to stand up from a seat especially if it was very low. Now there is no way I can stand up from any seat lower that 22 inches high. That means chairs in the doctor's office or any other place chairs are offered for people to sit down.


That includes the church pews, I have to be helped up to stand on my feet. I feel part of the problem is in my knees where I been getting the injections for my arthritis. Have the injections finally stopped working or do I have another problem unknown at this time?? I will hear from my arthritis doctor soon as he returns my calls to his office.


There must be a reason for this situation. I can't see my weak side getting even weaker 10 years later where I can't stand up from a chair or any seat 22 inches high and lower. I can really feel it in my knees when I struggle to get up from a low seat. Right now it just doesn't make any sense to me for this to be happening.


I had to give up my computer chair for a taller stool with a back on it. When my butt is below my knees when I'm sitting down there is no way I could struggle to get on my feet to stand up. It's the same way with a commode in any bathroom at the hotel or relatives homes. I must have the raised toilet seat to sit on top of the commode or I can not get up! All of this just started happening the last two or three weeks or so!


Can you imagine being in any bathroom or public restroom and can't get up from the commode?? That's a scary feeling for sure. I had just thrown out an older raised seat I used when I first came home from the hospital 10 years ago.


It really does make me feel I'm going backwards instead of forward in my recovery. It's the left leg and side that's paralyzed. When I struggle to stand up I can feel it in both legs however! I have no trouble getting in or out my car but I struggle to ride in my wife's car seat. It's just way too low for me but I used to ride in it with no problem.


I suppose age has a lot to do with the problem I just don't feel the age thing as being part of my problem. My therapy is coming alone in the right manner of me doing all they want me to do. I just went through all the measurements they take when it's time to record how much or less you have improved since you started the program. Being approved for more therapy and paid by Medicare depends on that report.


The abilities to do things after a stroke probably depends on the effects the stroke had on the body. Some will be slower than others so I suppose I was slow in coming home five months after others had gone home before me and they were able to walk where I couldn't.


I just have to wait and see what my doctor will say about my arthritis situation and the injections I been getting for years and now having big troubles trying to stand up from sitting. It's frustrating to say the least especially when I'm alone in the house with no one to help me stand up from sitting. I remember being home alone when the stroke happened to me.


I'll keep praying and looking for the best solution to solve my problem!! Maybe it will feel I'm going up hill pretty soon instead of down hill. I keep my cell phone on me at all times for that reason!


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Your best solution is to keep on trying and get exercise....I'm sure age has a lot to do with it (you are getting older and we all go downhill as we age). I will be willing you some extra focus....keep on keeping on, Fred. :)

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Hi Fred, No you are not going to go down hill! the only way is up hill.

Age is a factor, I be feeling some pains, and be like what is going on with me? Then we did have a stroke.

Fred, keep on praying, I keep you in mime.


God bless



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Fred -- you hang in there ... as you said you are not a spring chicken , but you are very dedicated in your recovery -- it will come.. but i can imagine how frusterating it is for you... smile and feel better soon !! nancyl

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Fred, Larry has the same problem with getting up from a chair. He usually has to use the lift chair or a chair with arms. I have bought two additional chairs here with arms for him. He has the left side weakness as you do. I don't think it is arthritis. I keep telling him to try to get up himself as he is alwalys asking me to help. He sits in church also until it is time to go. The thing is to keep exercising those legs or they will get even stiffer.



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Julie, the exercising is good but in my case with getting the injections in my knees something else is happening to make me too weak to stand up. I have to push up from the seat instead of an arm on the chair.


That puts such a strain on my right arm until my shoulder is hurting real bad using it as an extra leg to help me stand up. A regular seat is 22 inches high. I been taking measurements everywhere I go and I can get up if the seat is 24 inches or more.


So I sit if possible on the arm of a chair in some cases or I just stand up when I'm not on my scooter. Oh sometimes I sit on the magazine table between the chairs if there is one available. They are the correct height for me to be able to stand up.

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hi fred well I really don"t think you are going down hill at all first of all you know as a stroke surviver little things can make you feel like your not doing as well but I think that you are you may be just a little tired being tired can make you feel bad we all have a bad day but because of your stroke we tend to have a lot of bad days if yousleep to long or if you don"t sleep enough or if you have a headache I know that as a stroke surviver you give us lots of hope well you should have lots of hope you are very positive and you always help my team boston by praying for boston red sox you are a very good man on that probably is very hard on yourself don"t give up on yourself fred you are not as young as you use to be none of usare so just keep on keeping on enjoy what you can do don"t pick on yourselfwe are praying for you fred all of the members areof that you can be sure

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Fred, sorry you are having problems. It seems that is the way of aging too as I feel it in my knee climbing steps also.


Height is important for Larry too. Before I got the lift chair, I had these little leg lifts I got from Bed, Bath and Beyond.


I hope the doctor can help you with this.



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