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Time passes too quickly...that is a blessing.



I have beenAWOL for awhile. I found a lap dog for William....her name is Bailey. She is a Shih tzu that looks likes Mumbles sister. William adores her. She jumps into his lap while he is in the recliner and onto the bed. Mumbles and Bailey get along we'll. that was my other goal...I wanted a companion dog for Mumbles. They play together all the time.

It was rough last week, william must have had a stomach bug. Diarrhea. What a mess. Loads of laundry. But, that too has passed. While wm had the bug he was confused and slipped to the floor while with the caregiver.he was afraid to walk after that but he seems to have recovered. I took him to the pool yesterday. We will be going this morning. It is colder to get ready to goo cold weather but we soldier on.

My days seem long, I get up at 5am. I walk the dogs and then get ready for work. They walk well together. I get to work an hour early. I use this as my quite time...I eat the traffic. I have my breakfast in tiebreak room and get an hour of leisure reading done. This is me time to text the caregiver of special notes, I leave work at 3:30 and meet wm at the ymca's pool. 4 p is our time. We walk and exercise for an hour. After the shower it is 5:45. We join the rush hour traffic and make it home after 6:25.

I feed the dogs and get our dinner. I was having me caretaker fix dinner. But she is a lousy cook.

Wm watches tv and I walk the dogs. Around 8p William is ready for bed. I give the dogs one last walk and we all fall into bed. Ready to prepare for another day.

I can really tell when m doesn't exercise in the pool. He has aches and pains in his leg and arms. But. With the pool no problems. I have been managing the pool 6 days of the week. I have thrown in ding weights for my self 3 days of the week. It takes me about 45 min to complete me routine. I go to the gym and use the weight machines.


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Ruth, you know I got to stop by and see both dogs. My grand daughter's dog is in her last few days of heat. I missed taking her back to New Orleans for breeding but will try to make it the next time so she can have puppies!


I spoke to Wm. he said mumbles was fixed otherwise I would have asked you if mumbles could have done the job and save me a 500 mile trip to New Orleans!


Take care! Tell Wm. hello! Hope to see both of you soon!

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Ruth --wow... what a treadmill of life you are on...but you seem routine oriented ( as we have to become) ..you must be in terrific shape..nancyl

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Good to hear from you, Ruth and I hope you and William had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


A new addition. You and William certainly do have a busy schedule and now with two puppies. Glad to hear he is feeling better and things are going well. Debbie

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