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71 !



in a few minutes I will be 71 years old. my goal is 76 as this is the age that my grandfather died. right now my mind is still somewhat intact although suffering from what the mri called "normal aging" atrophy and I truly sense this as an increasing deterioration of mental ability(agility). I don't object, it is simply a fact.


I was 3 when my grandfather died - pneumonia - and I remember visiting him with my parents in the hospital and climbing on his bed. during that visit my father later told me that his dad said "you know one day you are just fine and the next day you are dying." he knew he was dying. in those days no cure.


I think I want to live knowing that such a day will come but not focusing on it. and at 76 I will be happy to give my place over to someone else, its new model time I call it. evolution is kind of clever in that rather than fix us it replaces us.


and so now I have only 5 years left "on a life sentence" as a friend of mine said. and I am happy with this prospect.


as Julian of Norwich said, "all is well and all is well and all manner of thing will be well"




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Happy Birthday David, may all good things come your way as you celebrate another year and I hope I am here to share this time doing better day by day along with you!


Stay healthy, exercise and think of getting better to do all the things you want to accomplish! I do hope to be here too and see my great grandkids grow up to lead wonderful lives!

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David :


Happy Birthday & enjoy each day to your fullest. none of us know when our time will come, but when it does come you know you have done your best & enjoyed.



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Happy birthday David. Have a enjoyable day. We do not know when we will leave this earth and begining our other journey. Enjoy your time while you are here.



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