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Accessible Bathrooms - These Are Not One Size Fits All



Since the beginning of my recovery, toileting(using a bathroom/restroom) was the first and biggest hurdle, and continues to be (not sure for how long, maybe until I get full recovery in my leg?). Initially, while in ICU, I was lifted from my bed using a mechanical lift (as mentioned in my first post) to a bedside commode. After that, before I was doing any walking, the commode would again be at bedside and with the help of the nursing staff , I'd be helped to standing and then told to pivot, basically rotating on my heals, to sitting on the commode. This wasn't done very often out of concern that my foot would tun on it's side thereby resulting in my ankle taking all my weight, which could result in many other problems such as a breaks or tears. I think that this is the reason for which I was fitted for an AFO (to protect and stabilize my foot and ankle) Eventually, I was given a wheelchair and taught how to get from both the bed to the wheelchair and from the wheelchair to the toilet by using what's called a slide board. One end of this board, (often made of a highly polished, finished plank of wood) is tucked under the thigh of the strong, unaffected leg and the other end is placed onto the toilet seat. The transfer to the toilet is then accomplished by sliding one's bottom along the board using the strong, unaffected arm to push the body to the other end and onto the toilet. Once there, all that is needed is to stand, lower the garments, then sit again. However, until I regained control of my sitting balance, I required some sort of support to hold onto (such as a bar on the wall or arms on the toilet - I had and have a commode, with arms, over the toilet) to keep from falling off the toilet these all introduce different considerations when using different bathrooms. Because the slide board can only be used on the strong, unaffected side, the placement of the toilet in the room is significant. For those with a strong right side (like me), the toilet needs to be on the left in order to approach it from the right, obviously,the opposite is true for left side strong. It also means that there cannot be any obstructions in the space to and from the toilet (the arms of the wheelchair and commode must be able to lift or lower out of the way for the transfer).

Once I started using the KFO to walk,transferring to the toilet was so much easier, I could walk short distances to the toilet from the wheelchair, turn myself around then do what's normally needed to sit. The only considerations then (and continue to be today) were (1) the height of the toilet from the floor and (2) are there any grab bars and where are they positioned? The grab bars are necessary to push myself to standing as my legs are not yet strong enough to make that push on there own. This combined with being a tall woman are the reasons that toilet height are important. Toilet and grab bar placement in the room remains an important issue as long as I have the use of only one arm. at home, I have a commode with arms placed over the toilet (it gives me the proper height and the arms allow me to get up at my own doing).

So I guess because there are a number of ways that a person with disabilities can make use of a bathroom, it's easy to understand how an 'accessible' bathroom may not be able to accommodate the needs of all; however, it still came as a surprise to me the first time that I made use of a 'public' restroom labeled as wheelchair accessible. The first time was during a trip to a hospital and an adjacent medical building (offices of doctors and other providers of medical services - I was there for an adjustment to my leg brace -KFO.) . I encountered a variety of 'problems'.

Because I am one-handed I must maneuver the wheelchair with one hand and one foot but because I also need my quad cane to move from my wheelchair to the toilet, it's necessary for me to carry my cane with my good arm (while resting it on my foot) and then have another person push my wheelchair around, so, being that my husband is typically my 'other person', the first problem to solve is how to gracefully (politely?) bring a male into the Women's bathroom with me. Some places have Unisex bathrooms and these, of course, are preferred, but the first place at which we were did not. My husband 'solved this problem' by opening the door to the Women's room and loudly announced 'Housekeeping' to determine if anyone was there (luckily, there wasn't). So, in we went. The other problem here was the placement of both the soup dispensers and paper towels. All were out of my reach from the wheelchair! This was especially surprising to me because I am a tall women with a very long reach. (Heck, I haven't been in the situation of not being able to reach since I was a child).

Other problems encountered:

  • - a couple of the bathrooms had the grab bar attached too high on the wall from the toilet, I couldn't get proper leverage to push myself to standing. I hate to be redundant but, being a tall woman, I can't help but wonder how people, shorter than I, manage to get up again, I'd still be stuck there if my husband hadn't helped (lucky for both of us, he's very strong)
  • The door into the bathroom was so heavy on one bathroom we used and the spring on which it swung such a quick release that my husband had a difficult time holding it open while pushing the chair in at the same time (how do people alone manage that one?)
  • One stall had barely enough room to fit the wheelchair in and allow proper closing of the stall door afterward.
  • BTW - we've been in other facilities since and the problem of bringing a male into the Women's bathroom was solved with the help of building staff (first, checking to see if anyone is currently using the bathroom and then to stand watch outside the room to alert women entering that there's a male in the room. Some places are very accommodating.


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LadyRose, I can relate as my husband needs help as he can only use one hand/arm. He hates to use the women's BR and I hate using the men's to get him in. I have learned a few lessons also when entering public BRs. I explained to Larry it is much easier to go into a women's as all the users are in stalls, not urinals. lol The last paragraph you posted I have used and is the most helpful. God forbid we should shock or insult someone who is not disabled.



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LadyRose: that has been a topic we are all advocating for. And really the answer is a well-designed "family" restroom. Colleen did find some at our favorite Casino, but they are rare and not placed conveniently.


I do what your husband does. Female caregivers really can not go into Men's rooms. I do a scout out, tell all the women a male is coming in. And really, honey, I have to say I have had more help that I would have expected. I know others have had some "issues" but not Bruce and I.


Bruce is right-side affected. I think most Designers are stuck in that mind set "90% of the population is right-handed". And while that may be true, it doesn't really answer the Handicap-Accessible" issue. Our Outpatient therapy unit has those drop down bars that work great for us. Wish more Designers would consider that. There is usually plenty of room between the toilet and the vanity to accomodate it.


It doesn't really do us any good if Bruce has to stand with the grip bar and turn 180 degrees to sit on the toilet. I do love a drain in the bathroom floor with hand-held shower head. I can shower him right in the wheelchair without having to transfer him to a shower bench.


I will admit it is easier having to toilet a male. Bruce can and has used a urinal just about anywhere I can find isolation. I prefer that he stands - using a car door, for instance, because then I know he has totally emptied, but we can do it sitting if we have to.


Our main issue is bowel movements. Bruce has IBS, when he has to go it has to be now.


When we had the bathroom redone here, Contractor had a tough time. He was used to going by what the Client wanted. Thing is, Client had no idea and neither did Client's wife-LOL. Fortunately his brother was Bruce's size and more creative. After Bruce went to bed, Tom would get in the WC and work with our favorite and most experienced CNA and together they designed the BR. All four walls are blocked almost to the ceiling and we have grip bars everywhere. If those are not enough in the future, we can add anywhere.


Keep advocating, offer your experience when asked. The few times we travel, I always say I want to see the BR in the handicap unit before we check in. If there is one with everything on the right side, there has to be one opposite with everything on the left side. Reservationists don't understand that, but usually are more than willing to let me see the room first. Anywhere else, we have to adjust best we can. Rock on - Debbie

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I keep trying to decide what I want to write here. I know we had a very difficult time when we went to a large convention. There were no people working there that could clear a bathroom, and in a large bathroom with 1000s of people there, I don't even think that would work. He needs to be changed about every 2 1/2 hrs, and so many places use 45-60 minutes just to get there, and the same back. The last time we went to the convention, first time since stroke, I did have to take him in the ladies and it was very awkward for everyone. We have missed funerals and weddings because those invents have soooo many people trying to get in and out of bathrooms, and have always seemed to land about an hour away. He has been able to go to some from people at work, because they use the intown funeral home, as many people from work lived here in this immediate area.


We decided the best way to handle it was to stop at the taco bell a few minutes before we get to the convention, and use that bathroom. Then we could stay 2 + hours and do the same going home. However, we also now have the option of the male external catheter w/leg bag. I've only seen those 'family' restrooms in airports, way back when we traveled.

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Colleen and Nancy advised about finding "family" restrooms - experience from their travels. You have to ask.


Foxwoods was my home casino for Poker. I have been going there since it was built, know all the expansions. But I never knew they had family restrooms until Colleen talked to a Security Guard. I aways just took Bruce into the Ladies off the parking garage we always use. Like Sandy's Bob, an hour ride up and one needs a restroom break and used that same one just before the drive home.


Colleen pointed out the "family" restrooms and yes, Sandy is right, there is no way one would find them on their own. I think larger facilities all probably have them, you just have to get someone to tell you where they are. And for functions that we must attend, I call ahead and ask.

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hard --- a handicap bathroom designed "back wards " - for the right hander vs the left hander ( and vise verso on that) can be more hazardous than "helpful" --- we forgo handicap rooms because statistically ( for us) they have proven more hazardous............... if they would just wrap the bars all the way around instead of choosing one side ....................luckily dan is pretty small& strong so i can usually balance him or help transfer him-- help him up -- but with age that WILL change...... the family rooms always the best option, when out in the public areas..........at least you get privacy....

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