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Had a terrific Birthday. Thank you all so much for your best wishes.


I did a funny thing, first part of January. Finances have eased up a bit. I needed some new underwear and some lady face stuff. I do a lot of catalog shopping. Please don't suggest on-line shopping. I am not computer savy, don't know what all the symbols mean. In order to apply for Federal Healthcare Assistance I had to toilet Bruce, make sure he had his snacks, reading glasses clean, reading material. AFO off because when his leg gets tired or the Clonus kicks in, foot bounces off the floor for hours. Told him what I was doing. Told him it would take about 40 minutes. Fortunately Colleen had me well educated as to what this would take. Plus I had to lock up Kira to keep her off my lap. She thinks the computer is her personal heater - LOL. My only other alternative is after 8pm and at that point I am too tired to concentrate on anything.


My birthday week, a package arrived every day! What fun is that? I sang the Beatles' birthday song when I got back into the house from the mailbox. On Thursday Bruce said "but honey, you sent all this stuff to yourself!" And what better presents does one get than something one has purchased for oneself? LOL.


Friday was OK - Bruce had issues in the afternoon, but our friend Bob came with flowers and stayed for a good amount of time. My gift from the family is a bath whenever I want! Later I was on Facebook. Two friends kicked in to chat and then Mary Beth, who never chats - LOL. She was also chatting with Brittany, who switched over to both of us - 20 year olds know everything about this stuff - LOL.


Weekend was great. Saturday was a wash out, but we did catch up, paid bills, cooking, organized lists for the week, laundry. And today our normal shop. Cold and blustery, but I insisted Bruce come across the parking lot in the WC himself - exercise and fresh air. Deal was Football game at 3pm. No binking during commercials and I would supply snacks. We saw a great game.


Holidays were so stressful. I put off going to the Casino, something we always do for my birthday (not the same, now tho). Just wanted things to calm back down. And we are getting there.


Busy week ahead with snow scheduled for Wednesday.


Funny aside. Apparently when we cleaned up that last file cabinet, we unleashed what Bruce called a "stink bug". It was pretty big. All I know is they are grey and pretty ugly and of course, I missed killing it and it released its "stink." It is not too bad - kinda of dusty musk. But is sure has hanging time! LOL. Have three candles lit tonight. I did open the front door for a bit this afternoon.


So all in all, a good weekend. Debbie


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It sounds like you had a nice birthday and got in some fun time.


We are getting snow tomorrow and colder temps. Riding the weather train - up and down this winter!


So looking forward to spring.



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Glad you had fun Debbie. I agree birthdays when you are a caregiver do tend to be a bit of a let-down but if friends and family remember that is magic. So a year older, a year wiser....hip hip hooray!

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Glad to hear you enjoyed your "gala week" as Ray used to call it: According to him you were officially king or queen for many days before and sometimes even a few days after, depending on how close to the weekend it fell. Of course this was mostly in regard to him (it was actually sort of a joke) I had to keep reminding him to worship me in the manner to which I would like to become accustomed when mine came around. Good times!


I miss shopping by catalog from Spiegals, and even for the "normal" clothes at Victorias Secret (they used to have some really classy stuff besides underwear. I swear!). I am just now culling my closet of my professional work outfits from the '80s and '90s, the designs are kind of timeless but would only look good on a 50+ woman I guess. I know those days are over for me, and I did get a lot of use out of them over the years. No need to replace, I live in sweats and T shirts now. I'm the proverbial woman who has one or two special occasion outfits, which I very well may never wear again! As for underwear, well we won't go there.


I've been very low key with my birthdays since the stroke, as a matter of fact last year I had some kind of bug and just ignored the whole thing. No biggie, since our anniversary is a week before and Ray's is a week after; as a matter of fact financially it worked out very well for us!


But this year is my 60th, and god willing if I am healthy this time around, I already have the fanciest French restaurant picked out for dinner that night. It's even on the weekend, yay! Who cares if we have to cut back on the other two celebrations! We like pizza and Chinese too. Going out to eat was always our celebration style, it's still a few months away but hoping all is bright and shiny by then.


Hopefully your health insurance call went well, I had a brief respite and am again on the phone for hours trying to get everything figured out. Can't wait til I can sit back and relax, and know I am covered for the immediate future. Hopefully by the spring!

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no shopping excursions ?? whre the list is found outside ... lol -- not funny but if we don't laugh we cry right ?? Happy belated birthday .... sounds like you had a pretty good one..

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Glad you had a wonderful birthday. Sometimes just having things keep going is the definition of wonderful! Hey, we were engulfed with those stink bugs this summer. They were in our house alot. They are pretty docile and I could just walk up and rake one off the wall and then pitch it outside with no problem. I've always heard they only stink up the place if you squish them, or maybe they can do it at will if they see you coming. But, as many as we had, I never tried to kill any, just put them out, and no stink to pay. The really weird part of this story is when I lit the first fire in the fireplace this winter, a bunch of them came dropping out of the chimney and crawling around the outskirts of the small fire. Apparently using it to winter over. I have seen a couple this week still, hope they don't re-inforce themselves again this summer!

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