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night one with MY new med



so panic attacks are becoming a plague for me… as if i needed another thing to "chew on"…. I went to my PCP and we decided on Buspar --- non addictive ( some of the others are) … I can feel it -- kinda fog me out a little , but hey it didn't keep me down for long…. it is now 4 am -- been up since 1 am -- went to bed at 10 pm…. I do know it will take time, to get the med into my blood stream… but that does me no good - at 4 am - needing to be to work at 9 am… although thankfully my employer is flexible … but my "work ethic is not" ….. I just hope I can over come this… I just want to run away from home… the responsibility , the work, the family, dan and thinking…………………………..all the time ...the thinking , what IF…. and I know the answer and I know "better" which is why this SUCKS -- so much …… I blog this for the next person -- who follows , although I sincerely would not wish this on my worst enemy….


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Hang in there Nancy, as Colleen said new medication takes time, look ahead to next week and think how much better you will feel.  In the meantime I will sing you a lullaby....la la la, la la la (go to sleep little one).

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Nancy, please do not take this as any kind of advice or suggestion.   This is all about you, and trying to support you and help you find your own path, not me trying to tell you what to think, feel, do.


OK, some thoughts for you to mull over in your journey:

Do you feel worse now, then before you started working?   Remember, these questions are about YOU, not Dan.


If you think back to pre-job days, do you find you are in a less stable state, since taking a job?    (not advice, nor suggestions, only something for you to mull over)    Is it possible, that shifting between 2 worlds, (one where you are in the 'normal world' and treated as a normal person and, the other, (Dan's world where you are not that person anymore) is creating a culture shock because your brain can't cope with the wide gap between the 2 'cultures'?   Is the taste of normalcy, making the Dan's world, harder to bear?   There are no wrong answers here, and possibly, no right ones either.    Would only one of these world's create more stability for Nancy?  


What would be the upside & downside of living in only one of the worlds?

I don't know any answers, I just want to see Nancy standing when the smoke clears.    Prayers and support go out to you, and to Dan.

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Sandy -- It is entirely possible… and exactly the reason I returned to work at my age - I am to young to retire and just want a life……. But I do believe I am overwhelmed by working at times, and rethink my decision all the time… and it could be the taste of normal makes me hunger for more…. If I live in the Home world 24/7 when the dust settles there will be no nancy - if I am here physically I will be hollow…. But i feel by working I will be left in standing in the dust with at least some of my faculties in tact…. Like you said no right or wrong answers- just some thoughts and I honestly never thought of it that way.. the changing from one world to another….


 I will give the meds time to work… we all know there are no miracle cures.. although i joke -- just give me a drink ( martini) in a pill and call it good….cept it takes more than one…heck i would need a whole pack of M&m pills …lol

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keep going nancy! your honesty in telling how you feel is probably very good for you (and us).  I sometimes think that the benefit of talking is so that we can hear and understand what we are thinking in a different manner than just thinking it. it starts somewhere in our brain goes out of our mouth in our ears and back into our brain to interpret.


your path is a different  one and you are doing well nancy! keep on.!



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i know exactly how you feel. I take all my meds including anxiety med at 9:00 and go to bed. I've been on it for a year now and I still wake up after a couple hours sometimes then it takes me a couple hours to fall back asleep. It's like my brain wakes me up because Im not sleepy anymore because I got enough sleep (sometimes 7 hours) so if I do fall back asleep, its out of boredom and in the meantime I have to lay here typically 2-6 am trying to keep my mind occupied so I wont think about attacks. Good luck at work. 

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