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Great trip, then comes the "stuff"



Lesley, the dogs, and I just finished a 7,600 mile six week trip in our RV. We started here in MN, then went to ND, SD, WY, MT, ID and then back to MN. we spent the most time in Idaho and absolutely loved it. We started at the north end near Bonners Ferry and just zig zagged down to the southern part. 4 of the 6 weeks of the trip were spent in Idaho. We travelled every paved highway into the mountains and along every river to it's or the roads end.


We saw a rodeo in Boise and more fresh fruit locally grown than you can imagine just north of Boise. How about apples and pears growing alongside the road, just pick them up. Strawberries, plums, cherries, peaches, blueberries, and huckleberries all for sale at great prices. We just pigged out. Lesley also spotted some fresh picked onions falling from a farm produce truck and we still have a few left. Sweet and delicious.


Before we got to Idaho we went thru ND and stayed at Teddy Roosevelt National Park, both North & South units. Lesley was driving in the south unit when as we came around a curve there was a large herd of buffalo, mommys daddies and kids walking right toward us on the road. She asked me what should she do. I told her to stop the vehicle, put it in park, turn off the engine and enjoy the moment. She did.


We also saw the Black Hills of SD in detail, Devils Tower WY and more buffalo there, Custer's last stand memorial in MT, Glacier Nat Park, and more than I can remember in ID. We will be going back to ID and next time I will take my fishing stuff. Trout streams everywhere.


We parked for the nite on the top of a pass that was the border between MT and ID. Amazingly clear sky, nobody in sight. Lesley was able to get just enough internet with our portable antenna to call her mum in New Zealand. I set up the portable satellite for the TV. Life is good. On the trip we got 19MPG (diesel), our camping costs averaged $10 a night for the trip, and somehow the Visa we put all our expenses on at home or traveling was under what we budget for it normally when just at home. So the trip did not cost us anything more than we usually spend at home. I guess we spent less at Walmart since we were traveling. Still amazing to me, but that has now happened the last two long fall trips we have taken. I think Lesley's kitchen abilities had something to do with it.


Now back home and reality sets in. Seems like everything that can break or need attention has done so since we got back. Lesley spent a few more days in the hosp for abdominal pain again. She had pancreatis in the summer. We feared it had returned but fortunately not so. After many, many tests, the diagnosis is inflamation of the bowels and pancreatic duct. It is getting better slowly but surely.


Lets see what else has broken or needed fixing. The door on the deck. The ATV which is my primary snow clearing machine for our 1,000 ft driveway has been recalled with a warning not to drive it until it is fixed. I called the nearest dealer, which is in Duluth over 120 miles away and I have to get it there somehow, and the parts are on backorder until mid November. Great. How am I going to clear the drive if it snows? Snowblower I guess. The door opener on the new garage for the motorhome does not work, second time now and less than year old. I did get that fixed. Climbing up a ladder and being 14ft high over a concrete floor was not alot of fun. The siding on the lower part of the house had to be reinstalled. I just got that done. A squirrel got into the lean to where I store the ATV and tore up the insulation and made a general mess inside. Did I mention the kitchen range quit (now fixed)? Etc, etc,......


All of this and of course my spasisity flared up, not sleeping at night very well, leg twiches again and some other stuff.....


Anyway, I woke up breathing this morning, the sun came up in the East on schedule, the bills are paid, and the coffee is ready and my cup is empty so you know what that means.


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George, welcome back, glad you and Lesley had a great time.  I do envy you the trip, seems like just what Ray and I had planned to do in our retirement which alas never came to be. Where are the pics of all the highlights? As to everything breaking down, yes, seems to happen here too when I get back from holidays, guess it is part of Murphy's Law.



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George, I enjoy reading your blogs with all the traveling you and your wife have done. Thanks for sharing.  The traveling is the one thing I really miss with Larry.  I am not a camper however but it seems this is a good way to save money.


Sorry for the unwelcome things you had when returning home.  It was there waiting for you regardless I guess.  


Take care,



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It does my heart good to read of all you are capable of doing--both the wonderful vacations and the work around the house you either do yourself or coordinate others to repair. Though you still have reminders that Stroke came to visit, you are a living testimony that it doesn't always get to take control. Sure hope Leslie feels better soon.  ~~Donna

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