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I Made It To DECEMBER 2014 So I'm Back You All!!!!!



Here I am in the month of December 2014!!! Many of you know I have had some setbacks to keep me off the board for quite some time now. I'm finally healed up enough to sit here and express myself without being in total pain since the operation on my knee and thigh.It's been a long road to recovery but I made it by the grace of my God and my wife.


I was always posting and greeting new members as they joined strokenet with many questions they needed answers to for their long journey to a good recovery from the stroke they suffered and for the most part knew nothing about strokes! The effects of any stroke can set you back for a long time while you are trying to recover and can hardly walk or you have to use a walker, wheelchair, or a scooter to get about after the stroke!


Well I had to use the scooter after my stroke 10 years ago and just recently with the operation on my knee I was unable to walk and just now getting able to walk a little with the help of a therapist coming to my house twice each week!!! So I'm still healing and learning to do the things again that I could do without even thinking about it....


I thought I would be discharged by my doctor on the 15th but I got out today as he said my knee and my ability to get around walking was great. So here I am back on the message board meeting and greeting new members while making comments I think will help all members along their road to recovery from a stroke based in part on the things I have experienced with my own stroke from 10 years ago!!!


I still must use my scooter to get around for long distances or even in the casinos, the stores and the shopping malls!! Now that it is shopping times for buying gifts I guess I will have to make plenty trips out to my car to store the things I purchase since I still can only use one hand.... So thanks for all the well wishes, prayers, and comments many of you left for my get well times the last couple of months...


I just have to relearn how to make it into chat and do a few other things here on the message board. It will all come back to me after awhile. Many thanks again everyone for not forgetting about me while I was out healing up from the operation... It feels great to be sitting at the computer again!!! More next time!!!


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good to have you back fred hope that you are doing well you are so positive with your thoughts, you will mend in no time fred all the best to you fred hope to read your next blog real soon

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Great you are back Fred.  Yes, we always need people to comment on posts and blogs and generally make the newbies welcome as well as encouraging us older folk to keep on keeping on, so glad to have you back on the job.

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I think many of you know I really hurt myself on the shuttle bus ride while in Las Vegas with my wife in July!! I had already fell at home then trying to ride the bus (cheaper) instead of a Taxi cab (expensive) was not the right choice. I finally had the knee operation in September to put the tendons back together with the muscles which had pulled apart and I couldn't walk at all!!!


The doctor thought January I would be healed up enough to walk, well my walking came a month early and here I am!!!

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Fred :


welcome back, glad you beat doctor's prediction & here early. I guess doctor didn't know who he was dealing with. you are stroke survivor  let him hear you roar lol.




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Fred, It really is good to hear and see you around! I always remember your little "scooter" you used for your picture years ago!!! I loved it - but like your picture better!!!


Glad you are feeling stronger every day.

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Oh Fred - welcome back. Did so miss you! I pray your Thanksgiving was wonderful and good news for the upcoming holiday season. Bet your little puppy is glad you are up and about some! Take care and please go slow. Cheers to beating the Doctor's prognosis. Debbie

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Good to see that your back on here and I say like all the rest: Welcome Back!  A knee operation can take quiet a while to heal...take it easy but I'm glad your back to being mobile again.

Your friend, Ed

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Many thanks to each of you and yes, I'm very glad to be able to walk a little in the house but a scooter and my Ford Explorer will be my chief mode of getting about!!


I'm here at Fort Hood Texas with many military personnel, men and women that lost one or both legs or arms so I'm so thankful my time in Vietnam wasn't as bad being hit in the back 1'8 inch from my spine and not be paralyzed. Then 10 years ago the stroke came calling and my left side is paralyzed now but hey I still feel so blessed to still be here!!!!

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