fking's Blog

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Well care givers many of us survivors will be sitting in front of the Big TV watching football for hours or maybe sleep for hours in the recliners!! Then you will hear a weak voice calling out "Dear, honey, baby, can you bring me another ****@@@@ soon as you get time??"


I suppose the shopping days are gone but it seems at least the gas prices are dropping a bit where I live and if it is where you are too, then make sure you take time to fill up the gas tank...


The thing about football this time of year is the college Championship games that your college kids want you to see even if they are not playing and the pro games leading up to championships in the divisions and the fight to see what two teams will be playing in the Super Bowl....


Well for me it will not be costly because I don't go to the stadium games anymore at today's prices!! Heck, I couldn't even buy the food they sell at these stadiums, it's very pricy these days!!


So I'll just stay at home out of the weather in front of my TV and enjoy all the games just the same!! I hope your favorite teams win...


Merry Christmas to each of you and your families hoping Santa is good to you this year... You just got 12 days left to Christmas.....From today!!


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Hooray for Big TV time! I won't watch football but I will be watching all the old christmas show reruns. These days when I ask for something I am encouraged to go for the walk into the kitchen and get what I can. I am so lazy Fred that I have a bowl of fruit on my table.


You have the best seat in the house sometimes in your own recliner! And indeed snacks are cheaper out of the pantry!

I will not be out in the cold this new years most likely and will ring it in indoors.

I hope you have a blessed season! I always enjoy your cheerful blogs!

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I too will be watching as many games as possible. may the season find you well and wishes for a merry blessed Christmas for you and all the family.

blessings lynn

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Well, I went to sleep on the game last night between The Eagles and Cowboys but I think Dallas won the game and moved into the divisional winners slot for the play-off picture!!

Correct me if I'm wrong!!

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