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It Will Take Some Time To Get Back Where I Once Was!!



I'm trying to recover from my knee/thigh operation and learn to walk again without falling.. I feel at times I had another stroke on the left side but probably did not. It's just hard for me to get used to this new feeling on my left side... It feels like I got a ways to go to get back to my normal feelings on my feet... My driving is OK just my walking is not where I want it to be...


Had I not gotten the right knee fixed I couldn't press the brake or gas pedal to drive my car and I'm having to take my grand daughter to school early mornings when my wife has to be at the bank by 7am... Then the next week she goes in at ten am...


So I got to get well or better real soon to keep helping her get the grand child to school since her mom goes to work at 6am... But that's life and I'm making the best of helping out where I can even a little cooking so there is something here for them to eat when they get home from a day on the job... It's too expensive to pick up food from these restaurants daily for a family of four...


""Wishing all of you a joyous Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2015 and great health!!!""


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Fred, life is about recovery. You are a fighter and I know you will get the most out of life with ot without the abilities returning.  It is good to be able to make a contribution to the household though so keep on driving for as long as you are safe on the roads. And the cooking, well that is a bonus, or would be to me.


Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2015 to you too. 

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Being needed can be the thing that gets us motivated and gives us strength. You are fortunate to drive and cook which is just about the most valuable thing to a busy mom. I bet your wife is proud of you and appreciates the job you do for your family.

I know how expensive it is and home cooking is cheaper and it sure is nice to have those family favorites.

I know that this isn't your first time sitting out a recovery time so that must be why you are so patient unlike myself. I wish a speedy recovery time to you and hopefully the leg is cured.

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Fred: one day at a time. Your recovery is really astonishing and yes, being needed by the family is certainly an incentive. Be careful, rest when you need to. Happiest of Holidays! Debbie

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Fred :


I am happy your recovery is coming along so well. I feel to be able to help in household dynamics is huge boost to self esteem & recovery. mind stays fit & active when we stay busy. wishing you great holidays 



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