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Physical Therapy Nightmare



I have my regular vestibular physical therapist and she is wise and experienced and cautions me to work steady and not over tax myself. I really like her and I have felt I made good progress but I am always impatient to do more so I can recover faster but she says in time in time and assures me that I am going to be better than I am better than I was. So I have had a substitute and she is young and has energy and gets me on lots of equipment. I can hardly move I am so sore. She doesn't stop me ever. She has how about two more and of I do that. I say that it hurts and she says is it a working hurt. I am so stupid to not just recognize hurt is hurting is hurting LOL! I even said am I going to be feeling this later on and she said yes probably. And what did I think was going to be ok with that well I thought that I was going to be like a normal healthy person working out and that I was going to benefit from working hard and pushing the limits. Right now all I can think of is that I wish I could sit in a jacuzzi for a while and soak off the deep aches and pains and that I plan not to move anything more than necessary tomorrow except to stretch so I don't stiffen up like a tin man tomorrow. So much for my ambition. I want my old therapist back. I find it hard to say NO when the therapist tells me to do stuff. I trust them to know but my first clue is when I did say I had to stop and she said oh good let me know that because I don't know what you are feeling. But that was after she looked at my charted exercises and said I should be doing more than what was written down. I thought oh no maybe I won't get better unless I am doing more then. I would kick myself but that would require moving. So should I just continue down this path and see if I get stronger faster of course not in a million years not a chance will I repeat this experience and I feel like I have been dragged behind a truck so I don't care if I ever move again just let me sit with a blanket and rest with a hot beverage thank you very much. Just because one is capable of doing a thousand reps doesn't mean one should do them. She was absent the day they taught that and I am just plain stupid desperate to walk so lets do the most. AGH. I just learned that there is a difference between a stroke oriented pt and a regular pt because I felt like she was a personal trainer trying to get me to set a personal best rather than just progress through the next step like my old therapist does. I was so enthusiastic too just jumped right in and enjoyed that but not now I am paying for it now beyond what I thought I would. ok so maybe I am just a wimpy kid but I am on norco so I don't have a normal pain boundary when I am at therapy and I am not supposed to be in a work out either I am supposed to watch my blood pressure too and we didn't do any of that. that is why it was so much fun and like a normal gym lol hehehe. my narcotics are not helping my current pain level of 59 nor my stiffness and soreness. I wish I could soak in some Epsom salts but I can't sit in a tub. I am disappointed that I was so foolish and disappointed that I was trusting the olympic trainer here. I should have been tipped off when she said my therapist's plan was underachieving. What was with that? and why did I buy into that? like oh yeah if I rush this then I will be getting my balance back quicker. all I accomplished was to make it unlikely I am going to be moving much in the next couple of days. no practicing then at all much. I guess that the mentality might be to get me at the next level sooner but it isn't the way I am going to do this.


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People always ask why I drive a half hour for Ray's therapy, and  I have to explain that we've tried the ones near home and they just don't get brain injury.  It's so different from a hip replacement or a sprained muscle. The place we go now is only for TBI and we're lucky to have found them.   I do sometimes wish they'd push Ray a little more but if he's grouchy, well that's as important in the scheme of things as the physical aspect.  They even put his favorite shows on the TV to watch while he's doing his passive exercises, but hey it keeps him going! 


Well at least you learned a good lesson, hope you feel better soon!  Maybe you should say something to her, in a nice way, sounds like she could use a little guidance for the future.

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Is the other therapist gone or just on vacation?  So hard to find the right place, the guys at Ray's place are really into sports cars and boating and talk to Ray like just one of the guys.  It makes all the difference, they can usually talk him out of his moods...better than I can anyway!

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My therapist was sick and went home early. My therapist is a woman with decades of experience so I feel I am in good hands. She always reins me in and cautions me not to over do it because as you can see I am of the old mindset that one dances through the pain. Most of the time I don't get challenged like that and I was doing it but today omg I am so in agony all I can say is that it is better to slowly increase and never get so eager as I was. I have been begging to do treadmill for ages and my therapist says that I will probably not stand up long and fall on it and I just get this image of me like a cartoon just flat and going round and round. In any case I am just eager for this to be over and things be better and all I have really accomplished today is to be sore like never before so I learned the hard way about pacing. I learn everything the hard way sheesho. Anyway I am going to sit around and not do much this weekend anyway. We have no plans now all ruined. that'll teach me. Better to go slower and not be stopped in tracks like this.  I would rather say I over did it doing something fun and not in the therapy room LOL.  I am just complaining. This too shall pass. I am just going to catch some netflix.  I am going to hug my therapist when she gets back and tell her how much I am going to listen to her to slow down.

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It is hard not to be driven to see this as achieving a new you but common sense must prevail at the same time. She was not your personal trainer, she was a therapist to a stroke survivor and had to take what was possible into account surely? With some of the therapists Ray had they would get that disappointed voice and say: "Well if that is all you can do..." and sigh deeply and I wanted to scream.  I knew what Ray could do and not do and additional exercise causing him additional pain never seemed like a good idea to me as it is so restricting in the days that followed.

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Thank you for recommending the book.  I recommend a book by neurologist Oliver Sacks called "A Leg To Stand On" and in it he writes about his experience as a patient recovering from a broken leg and all of his adventures getting the broken leg in the Alps but then he describes the culture of the hospital environment and the way we behave in that culture based on expectations of how we are treated and the powerlessness.


I liked the part when he talks about how it is different when you can stand up and speak instead of speaking from a chair or bed and the power thing attached to that. Interesting book and more interesting because a doctor wrote it from his experiences years ago.


Sue I am so glad as usual that you shared this comment with me. I have come to value and cherish your experience and common sense. Thank you. And yes i am having to recover from this and it seems to have not helped me at all not physically and not mentally either. I am going to be glad when my usual therapist comes back and I am going to politely share this experience with her and thank her for protecting me when she says "maybe next time" and "that's enough for now" and all of that. I really had not had a pusher before. I am new to this and learning the hard way.  And Sue it was lucky for Ray that you were there to support Ray and shield him from the "disappointed voice."   In fact I like that term: disappointed voice  LOL that about gets the picture across and why is that such a motivating force especially when the rest of your life is disappointing and then you hit the disappointed voice.  All such voices should be banned. 


I am going to be a diva when I get back in therapy this coming week. watch me. I am going to be a delicate southern belle ok so I live in so cal I am going to be what then ok just me.  And if my regular therapist is back I am going to hug her. If the other substitute is in then I am going to ask for some relaxation stuff in between her well meaning assistance.  I get it that I won't get strong unless I stand up and do some stuff but there must be a happy balance. Not being able to walk the next day is a sign it is too ambitious.


As usual I so appreciate this site and all who are taking the time to give support and to bounce things off of, even when they tell me to buck up, and especially when they give me just the "sit with me and feel it with me" moment.

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