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They're Back



Well, we are back and I can't tell you how wonderful this vacation was.


Every connection was perfect and the customer service impeccable! I know that was probably beginner's luck, but at least it leaves one open to consider jaunts in the future.


Bruce's roommates got on board immediately and the wives took me out every day for at least a few hours. We did not do any real sightseeing. All of us have been to Albuquerque many times. This visit was about friends, conversation, good food and just spending time together. Weather was perfect. This is the hottest time of the year for New Mexico. Wednesday was just like that but the rest of the week was warm with nice breezes. Everything cools off at night, so good sleeping weather.


We had one issue. Bruce was trying to get out of bed on Thursday morning and fell. He was pretty scraped up, but fortunately nothing else. Of course, I went along with him, but it is just a bit of a back twist and some black and blues. The owners of the Casita came over after they got up and provided first aid supplies. We are both well on the mend.


One of the bonuses of the Casita was the three rescued animals: one three-legged Chihuahua and two cats. Fortunately all six of us are animal lovers and these pets are just so friendly. One of the cats actually napped with Bruce - LOL. So that was a great treat.


OK - so the advice I received was right on. Plan at least an hour and a half between flights if you can. Airports are huge and gate to gate takes a while, even if you have someone helping you. Bruce was being pushed but I had the carryon, his hemi, both WC pieces and tried to keep up - LOL. The attendants all radio'd our locations, no matter which airport we were in - that helped.


Remember no liquids allowed before you go through security. But do check your Carrier as to food. Bruce is a diabetic so I could not medicate him until he ate. Individual cereal bowls (you will have to buy milk after you go through security), little fruit bowls, protein or granola bars are all good choices.


When we realized we could not stay with friends - house was not WC friendly in either bathroom, I had to look for accomodations. I do not like Hotels. You will never convince me that the staff is going to send someone up 10 flights in an emergency to help Bruce and I down the stairs. Friends did not like any of the Motels in their area. So I started on-line and there are many sites: Flip Key, VRBO, Home Away, AirB&B. Refine your search for disabled or handicapped so you don't have to weed through sites that won't accomodate you. All have virtual tours. La Casita Rosada has it's own web site if you want to take a quick look at how perfect this was for Bruce and I. The owners, Susan and Dick are just incredible people - can't do enough for their guests and their friends. The shower was on the wrong side for Bruce - but Dick is going to have a vertical grip bar put into the bathroom. There was one in the original pictures, but they redid the shower in the meantime - LOL and a drain in the floor, so you can use the shower handle/head even if one can't get into the shower. Our friend rented two portable ramps to accomodate the WC going into his house and out the back to his deck. He said it was $40.00 for the five days.


Washer and dryer! All you caregivers with someone who can be incontinent at times, just think about that and rejoice - LOL. I brought my own bed pads. Be sure to check with your Innkeeper as to waterproof mattress pad. But the very best news! I priced the Casita and then the Best Western right up the street. For the five days/four nights, the Casita was $100.00 cheaper!


We will definitely be returning!


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I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful trip.   I also worry about being the one following a wheelchair.    I used to be the one IN the wheelchair, because I just  can't walk fast without hurting my feet tendons.  I hope one day we will see the ocean again :)

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Bravo Bruce and Debbie, well done indeed.  Yes, falls are part of being away, used to happen to Ray and I too, lots of medical supplies travelled with us always.  But you did it, you did it, you really, really DID IT!!!!


I well remember those times of struggling along behind a bright attendant in her twenties who was pushing the wheelchair, her legs pumping blonde hair flying, me panting along behind...lol.  But as long as it works who cares?

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Debbie :


I am so glad you had great time in new mexico. reading your blog makes me appreciate that I am so mobile & that does make life easy for us to still do lot of traveling together. Actually now I have started helping him in carrying our baggage & ofcourse that broke my back in our last trip to India lol. I do have my idiosyncrasy of needing to go to restroom often now, so that makes pain  in behind since I m checking out all restrooms during our travel.



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Great vacation for you all aside from the fall it was exciting I think!!! We always try to request a room not above the fourth floor that is for the handicap use but you must book early to insure a room is available...


Our next upcoming trip will be at a Navy Base housing unit we never used before so got to see how that goes this time around.... Normally we just get the hotel across the street from the casino with points from her sister playing there so much.... My wife's brother still get points from being a retired worker of the hotel and casino chains....

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So glad to see that you had a great time and enjoy your friends and relaxed a bit

Thanks for all the information that you gave many great points

Glad that your trip was so successful


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