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post stroke get together with family so much fun & meaningful



I love parties though I am not very good host but I can be amazing fun guest to be around. luckily for me my sister & sister in law are good hostess. & I enjoy those parties. in our family recently two relatives of our are diagnosed with lung cancer & both of them are dealing with great strength & wisdom. meeting them always inspires me. one of them was telling how she consoled her adult kids that atleast she got warning & time to tie all loose ends & say proper goodbyes. makes me ashamed of myself that how I wasted my first year post stroke in why me business. Though now looking back I am thankful to stroke that it woke me up from my sleepwalking through life & start enjoying those extra ordinary moments which we so quickly take it for granted. recently I had backaches due to our recent India trip. & it took solid few months to get over. but man I love bending down without pain now. So life is wonderful once again lol. oh recently we got bird feeder on our deck & I got another entertainment in the morning. saw few northen cardinals & other birds I still need to identify. retirement rocks lol.




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I love how you find good things to be thankful for so much in you post stroke life.  You are an inspiration in my life.  I call you my "guru".

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yes Asha  we can all learn so much from each other and how we handle the crisis of post stroke life.  I know that in time the perspective changes as we face our own mortality.  I think it is beautiful that you were able to be touched by their wisdom and courage and that you shared this with us.

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