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SSA has scheduled an adult mental health assessment Tuesday, I know they question my depression, I have caught too hard and struggled from time to time, but I refuse to let despair rule my life. I just hope that doesn't putmy disability in jeopardy.


I need some encouragement please help me


Peace, love and prayers


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Be truthful in your mental assessment on how u feel on your bad day. Tell them ur troubled thoughts in that exam and everything will be fine u will be in my thoughts and prayers



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Thank you for the thoughts and prayers and comments. I think things went well what time will tell I've worked too hard to stay positive. Be well all.

Peace, love and prayers,


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Hi Jay

I can sense from all of your posts that you have chosen to be strong and to encourage others.  I believe that surviving stroke is for the strong willed.  I also think that we can acknowledge our weaker moments that bring out our strengths, without shame or guilt.  I believe that the fact of our struggles through the loss, emotional pain, hopeless or hopeful moments, change, physical challenges, and spiritual well being should all be acknowledged as both triumphs and trials.  It is our defiance that defines our depression or whatever you call being overwhelmed and over tasked with what life throws at us.  I think of movies where the hero has a crisis before he does something amazing.  I think for me I don't want to be ashamed or afraid to acknowledge the crisis moments because that is where my strength is born.  It doesn't take away my sparkle if I admit to those dark moments of doubt.

I believe in telling the whole truth even if it exposes sides of me that are not the whole total me.  Besides if it comes to receiving services or benefits for stroke, then of course it may be important to reveal all aspects of what has gone on since the day of the stroke.  Honesty is best.

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