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Short term memory gaff LEDs to fondd memories of a by gone era



Oops forgot on Saturdays the buses run on a reduced schedule. I find myself waiting for a bus in front of the DQ, so I decide to get a chocolate malt. That sweet taste take me back 45 years to a hot July day sitting in the shade in front of the malt shop in my home town, when life was simpler how joyous to be taken back to that time in my life

I always manage to find the hoy in every day

How sweet to go back 4 plus decades with just the taste of a good chocolate malt.


Peace,love,joy prayers,




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Thank you for that Jay. Here in the NE, we are about to enter another long stretch of hot and humid. Yes, it is summer but even with AC in the house and car, I hesitate to take Bruce out in that kind of weather for too long. However, a nice ride to the local Ice Cream Shop for a chocolate malt sounds like the perfect solution to a "too much TV" day!

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I understand the devastating impact of heat and humity I never enjoyed it pre stroke but now the draining forces are doubled post stroke

I also understand the too much TV too.

I now force myself out of the house some days I have a legitimate reason to leave others are just my need for social contact.

Enjoy your trip out for ice cream

Pre stroke I would drive to one near by. Now I have to wait for someone else to drive so today was really special


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I must be the odd person out...I love humidity and heat.....provided it is no more than 30C. But if it is a dry heat, 38c+ is fine.

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Mitch I believe you are the odd person out

I prefer 20c with liw humity.

But I could be the odd person out I don't know

My wife would prefer 30c with low humity.


Like all thing post stroke we are all individuals

The only thing that matters is we are alive and hopefully happy. not happy that we had a stroke happy that we are alive to experience life.

Peace be well,


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I don't feel the heat much post stroke. That's a bad thing because it gets very hot here and I can end up with heat exhaustion or worse because that sensation is gone.


Now, cold is my enemy which causes me high pain levels. I just dress for it because other people in the house need the A/C. I haven't had ice cream since before the event, I need to correct that. :)

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