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Still bloody freezing.....



The weather is still bloody freezing. Tried to use the hose to fill the chickens' water around 9 am this morning.....but water was still frozen in the pipes. Typical. I retire NOT to the wonderfully warm tropics.....but to the frozen winter climes of Victoria's Macedon ranges. That'll teach me!!!!


The saga of our garage roller door continued today....not that you, the readers, will understand as I have not mentioned it before. But how long does it take to install a solar powered roller door when the installer tells me it will be, on average, 10 days but no more than 2-3 weeks. Nine weeks later we are still waiting. It is almost done, but the installer keeps offering the weakest and most dim witted excuses. Today he arrived, unpacked his gear, including the battery pack and solar panel....only to discover the solar panel and battery where designed for use on a gate and not a roller door. So he repacked everything, said he would return tomorrow, and disappeared down the road.


Anyhow, the weather here continued to be so dreadful that after my morning walk and Jules' session at the gym that I made the fire and then we simply had lunch in front of TV where we stayed until 5.15 pm.


The sitting prolly did nothing to help my spasticity, but it was too darn cold to venture outdoors. And I apologise for yet another dreary blog report, but this is the best I can do under the circumstances. Lordy, I want the hot weather to return.


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