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Another day, another dollar......just kidding.



The freezing weather continues. It's getting Jules and I down. The summer was mild, so why inflict us with a severe winter???? Everyone is complaining about it. And I really feel it, both in my stiffness and in the way in hampers my style in being able to go outdoors and walk. I need the exercise. Without the exercise the body starts to shut down.


Had a good meeting at the Men's Shed today, followed by a better than usual sausage sizzle on the BBQ. But apart from that there is again little to report.


I made dinner this evening, however, and it was delicious....Moroccan meatballs in a spicey sauce....and there is enough left over for dinner tomorrow night.


The only downer was going to sleep in front of TV yet again, although only for 15-20 minutes. Maybe it is because of my pathetic sleeping habits. I woke this morning at 4 am after going to sleep about 12.30 am. And I didn't get back to sleep again until about 6.00 am only to wake again about 7.30 am. That makes it a total of about 5 hours sleep - which for me is a little better than usual but still not great.


I have never been a good sleeper, but since my three strokes the sleep has decreased even further. On Friday morning I have an appointment in Melbourne with a researcher from Monash, one of the big hospitals, which is undertaking a study into sleep and stroke, and exercise and stroke. I put my name down to become a "guinea pig" and was selected. Hopefully I may be able to help the study, and the study might be able to help me.

1 Comment

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Good luck with the sleep study I hope it is mutually beneficial. Be sure to post update sleep eludes me as well I do take a sleep aide perscroved by doc, not as effective these days if I happen to get 6+ hours I gratful

I'm happy dinner was a success

I had to reread your post aboutwintrr then I remberedwhereyou ate

I detest winter because I need to wear slany clothes just to stay wa I can hardly move my as


Butmuch like the avhes andpaons o feel

daolyyhe winter cpld I'd just another tinder

That O am ALIVE

E wellmyfriebd


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