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My Story, My Stroke 2004 And My Long Hospital Stay At That Time!!!



This is my story about my stroke as I remember this long afterwards and the first thing is the doctors said high blood pressure was a contributing factor as I was only 62 years old operating a bowling pro shop inside a bowling center... I was home alone that day when I noticed my fingers were not working on the computer keys... I stood up to see what was the problem and fell.... I pulled myself up on the bed and fell again so at that time I knew something was terribly wrong with my body...


My wife was on her dental appt and came home to find me trying to get back downstairs head first as our bedrooms are all upstairs... I was trying my best and had wet my pants trying so hard so the paramedics arrived and took me to the military hospital only to find out they couldn't help me, I was near death according to them so they flew me to a bigger facility 30 miles away... The docs said I was very near death and put me in ICU where I stayed for ten or more days while they revived my body but not my brain... My wife says more like 19 days...


My lovely wife was very scared I wouldn't make it and pass away... More docs were called in as I was hooked up to many machines where I finally was stabilized... All this time I had no memory of what was happening with me nor to me so the stroke was bad... My wife quit her job at the bank and remained at the hospital by my bed in the ICU unit as they were telling her this was really bad...


Our whole church family came and prayed for me almost every day so it was determined I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke affecting my brain... I got better very slowly while other stroke patients came and left and some of them saying they took a shot and their stroke wasn't as bad as mine... Long story short I was there for 6 months before I was able to be discharged to come home...


I trusted a guy to operate my bowling pro shop and when I got out my inventory was 5,000 short according to my tax man when I wanted to sell my business... My wife would go by the shop every night to pick up the funds he made for that day... Everything seemed to be moving along pretty good to me as I had plenty customers and sold lots of balls and shoes all the time... I guess he took some of them when he left after I got out the hospital....


So you live and learn, I sold the business I couldn't operate with one hand standing on one leg and a paralyzed side... I was done being in business and sold it to another guy that had just retired from the city road crew.... He was an active bowler like I was and bowled on several leagues like I did... Now I know you never know a man or his heart or what he may or may not do for you...


I slowly got better after being released from the hospital but needed more out patient therapy to get better over time... I then took my drivers test to get my license back so I could drive again... The VA gave me a scooter and a hospital bed I could raise and lower to get out of by myself and we still got it here in my house... I came home in a WC which I still got too because it was a while before the scooter arrived at my house...


That's my story and I'm sticking to it by thanking God above I'm a Survivor and HE hasn't called my name yet saying a place is prepared for me.... With my experiences I will say each stroke and recovery is different and the effect it has on each person brain and body... Probably no two are alike as we are all different and the stroke attacks the brain differently in many cases...


To all survivors I say, celebrate your recovery, do your physical exercises, PT, and think daily you will get better in due time.... Don't be down on yourself, trust in God if you are a believer as I am... :D :roflmao: Right today 12 years later I'm smiling and kicking but not very high as I thank God daily for sparing my life making me a survivor of a terrible stroke...


A foot note:

Today, 17 August 2015, is my grand daughter's birthday, she made it to 11 years old and her little dog is 3 years old now that grandma got her for making the A-B honor roll and she is still on it in the 6th grade... The dog was 2 weeks old when we got her and I care for her daily... If I happen to fall she will not leave my side until I get back on my feet...


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