Sorry for the delay in posting.....
It's been several days since my last blog, but there have been reasons:
1) my daughter, Mia, has moved into a new home, and Jules and I helped her.
2) our son, Nick, arrived at our place unexpectedly yesterday to stay for 48 hours.
There have been other minor reasons also,, but after blogging here and on the Nationsl Stroke Foundation (Australia) for some four years almost daily, I reckon I deserve the break!
Tomorrow Jules, Nick and I are driving to. Daylesford to the Sunday market, and then having lunch at Hepburn Springs before we are taking Nick home and continuing on to Mia's.
For my part, life has not been great, and the aches and pains continue. But I persevere and hope for the best. I had a letter from the Sunshine Rehab and Pain Clinic advising me that they will contact me when they have a vacancy, so I have my fingers crossed. This is the group that my neurologist is sending me to see in the hope of helping to rearrange my brain so that it stops organising itself in a bad way, and starts organising itself in a good way.
I have my fingers crossed.
PS: I hate predictive always stuffs up. "have" becomes "gave", "in" becomes "on", etc etc
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