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Another day....and very little to report.



Today was simply a run of the mill day. Nothing exciting.


Went to the hospital to have scans on my carotid arteries, but won't get the result until next week. Hopefully all will be OK. After my previous surgical experience that resulted in 3 strokes I hardly want to go under a surgeon's knife again.


Got a reply from Glenn Murcutt......well, not actually from the great man but from one of his minions.......and the answer was no. But after I read the explanation I can understand the reasons. So it's back to the drawing board. Anyhow, at least we have the funds to buy an off the hook shed, even if it is ugly.


Also had lunch at the Shed.


Altogether it was a very booring day, I guess.


We are off to Melbourne tomorrow to see the boys' school concert, but we will be home tomorrow night.


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