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The Little Pups Are Growing Big



"It was Labor Day" the six little pups were born to a three year old mom, a registered Shih Tzu, and I see they are growing big to have been so little at birth.... Their eyes are still not open yet and the mom stays real close to them all the time as she can hear the sound they make no matter where she is in the house she will come to them....


My grand daughter is so proud of her and the little ones too so she is around them when she is home and when she get home from school each day she want to know how they are doing... She makes sure food and water is in her bowl and the mom is eating more each day to keep her milk flowing for the little ones...


She hasn't been on the scooter with me outside lately and haven't wanted to go far away from her little ones but when I'm downstairs at the kitchen table she wants to see what I'm eating or having....


Right now she doesn't want anyone too close to the little ones but she lets her owner take pictures of the little ones and will growl if anyone else gets too close..... The grooming folks at Pet Mart tells me to wait a little longer before they can get her cleaned up so I be glad when that time comes she looks real dirty to me now...


Far as I know and can tell she didn't have any problems with the birthing process of six little ones or the after birth process the Vet doctor mentioned could happen to some dogs who happen to be little dogs...


So far we can't tell how many or male or female yet or at least I can't but I haven't gotten that close yet either.... More pup news next time I suppose.... :kicking: :whip: :bow_arrow: :cleaning:


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Fred! Congratulations! What a wonderful gift. and some new responsibilities for Great Grandpa! Yes, pictures soon please and enjoy - nothing more precious than little puppies. Debbie

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That sounds like a very sucessful birthing and mothering.  Enjoy them. 


They'll be a handful once the eyes open and they start getting bolder.

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Thanks to you all, soon as I get the pictures taken probably by the guy that helps me in the mornings, he has a smart phone, I will get him to post them on the blog for sure.... I have forgotten how to do all that stuff anymore....


I think my wife has figured out there are four boys and two girls... They all just look like little puppies to me lying in the cage with their mom whom is very protective of them.... When they make noise she is mom on the spot feeding them and making sure they are OK....

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Oh yes, I'm no where physically like I was just months ago and I didn't have another stroke just got weak and can hardly walk anymore, I tell you this feeling is scary to me so I don't get out anymore....

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Hey, I been trying to upload puppie pictures since early am today Tuesday and I haven't accomplished a thing all day so I will try again tomorrow.... We tried through the email from a smart phone that didn't work so soon as I get a system you all will see the little ones, all six of them and the momma too,,,,, I'm not a computer operator by any means....


Right now she doesn't leave them for long just to come downstairs and see if I'm going out the door while she listens to see if she can hear one of them making noise, if so back up the stairs she goes in a hurry....

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Fred,  How wonderful.  So many puppies.  That is a lot.  What are you going to do with all of them.  Maybe keep one.  two dogs is nice.  I love our 3 dogs.  But, they are a handful.  They keep me walking and busy. 

Take care of your little pups.


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I have been trying to get the pictures posted on here but no luck yet... It said the picture was too big and I don't know what to do in order to get them posted anymore.... Brain Freeze I guess...

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It's been 7 days, a week and I'm still trying to post the picture of the six little puppies so I will probably write another Blog soon!!!

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