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Better Luck Next Time On Posting The Lil Pups Pictures



Sorry you all I really wanted to show off the six baby pups our dog had on Labor Day but I suppose it wasn't to be with my limited experience with computers and trying to down size the picture I had taken of them in the cage with their mom while she was feeding them all....


Well tomorrow (Wednesday) is the official first day of Fall season here in Central Texas so hopefully I can get more pics of the baby pups to somehow get posted one day soon.... I've never been much of a computer operator and while I had my last overseas tour of duty in Baumholder Germany I finished my BA using an electric typewriter and going to the library to look up what ever I needed and didn't know... All those days and months are behind me now and I still think of how blessed I was to not have suffered a stroke at that time....


Life is what it is and my gladness at this stage of my life is I finally married the wife whom loves me dearly and is still right by my side in everything we do or accomplish together for our good...So I must admit the fourth time around I have no regrets about being married for the fourth time.... I thought at one time I might catch up to the number of times Elizabeth Taylor had in her life time....


I suppose once you were ever married it was something you had to have and not be in a Hollywood actor status at all... I suppose married life is not for everyone and I just couldn't see me not being married to the right lady in my life time.... Then with the onset of HIV and other sexually transmitted disease and people dying I knew bed hopping wasn't my style at all....


A stroke I never even knew about until it got me after passing my annual physical and the doctor saying "You are in great health, see you next year".... Next thing I remember I had suffered a stroke at 62 years of age while working in a Bowling Center as a Pro Shop Operator of my own business making real good money selling balls, bags, shoes and all the supplies bowlers needed to be good bowlers men or women....


Now I know about strokes and survival and that anyone can suffer a stroke at anytime in their lives..... Well, I'm mostly at home these days while my lovely wife is still working at the job she loves dearly, the bank, supervising the tellers in a drive in bank.... She is not ready to stop working and I wish I could still be working but that's not possible for me any longer in my physical condition barely able to walk and using a scooter to get around although I do drive when we go on trips and any where I need to go here in the city....


I don't have to wait for her to drive me some place I can go any time I need to go so I appreciate that positive note in my life.... For the time being I'm here with the little puppies until they grow some more and my wife decides which ones she is keeping a while longer and which ones she will decide to sell or keep since they are AKC registered Shih Tzu's and that wasn't cheap plus the insurance I pay yearly for their upkeep at the Pet hospital.... Nothing is cheap anymore.... I guess when they get a little bigger they will start eating pretty good when the mom stops giving them milk....


Oh some of them have their eyes open now so I'm guessing they will be crawling pretty soon or walking I guess since they are 16 days old today..... :roflmao: :D :I-Thank-You: :Typing: :cleaning: :Hummm:


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Fred, the puppies will keep uo busy for a while.  I am glad you have a settled life and all is well.  Your wife is a diamond fr sure.  And having that little grand daughter around is a real bonus.  You've got to count your blessings and i know you do.



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Yea Sue, that's for sure and the mom will not leave them for very long not even to get on the scooter with me and ride across to the cluster box mail box on the other side of our street where we get our mail daily... She used to go without me asking but not any more since the pups are here....

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Hey you all that read the blog about the puppies,


Finally I got the pup pictures posted in the gallery, hope you get a chance to see them, I tried hard to upload them correctly but what do I know about computers?? When my care taker comes on Tuesday I will let him show me how to upload pictures, OK?

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