Why oh why?
Why do we have children? Why can life be so screwed up? Why can't some men tell the truth?
Our son-in-law has walked out on our daughter and her two children barely a month after moving into a new house. The reason? He wants to be happy. Never mind the unhappiness that his cowardly and greedy move has unleashed on her and the 5 and 8 year olds, on my wife and I, our son, our immediate family, his immediate family, and their many friends etc.
He wants to find happiness. So long as he is happy, things will be all right.
He is delusional.
He says his departure will have no affect on the children. He says that his family is not broken. He says the break up of the marriage is no-one's business but his and our daughter's. God, can he not see the trail of devastation his actions have caused? And how this has caused a chain reaction of despair and great sadness among scores of people from immediate family through to friends?
I have had my rant.
I will return to blogging when I feel more settled. And I apologise.
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