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Ray out of the hospital and into rehab



Things are moving along. Ray's pneumonia is declared cured despite a lingering cough, so yesterday they transferred him to a nearby SNF for PT, OT and most especially speech; that, more for his throat and swallowing than actually talking. They are hoping to get him to eat again without it going into his lungs. Even if it's some kind of modified diet, I won't mind, as long as he can get off that feeding tube. With my lifelong involvement in the food business, this is the most upsetting thing to me, that Ray may never be able to eat real food again. Fingers crossed.


I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself, he was just taken there yesterday afternoon while I was in the middle of an MRI to check out a lump on my leg. When I think of what he's going through, these kind of tests seem so minor now. I have a few other doctor and dentist visits scheduledfor myself this month too, just happy that I can go on my own for a change. I always feel so bad leaving him sitting by himself in the waiting room. The place he's in now is not state of the art but they are very friendly and very present, I thought a SWAT team was descending when I stopped by to see if he was settled in. He also has free TV and phone, so that's a nice bonus. I can call him to say goodnight now!


I finally checked on my car at the upstate Toyota dealer, and she affirmed that the repair will be covered even though it just passed 100,000 miles. Some kind of recall I guess, although she just keeps calling it a "warranty" repair; she said it will take at least a week to get the parts because there is a giant demand all over the nation for these navigational systems right now. Then I found out that the rental car my Mom took is free too, part of the deal, and that if it takes too long to fix it they will still make sure it's free anyway. Whew!!!!!! That takes a lot of weight off my mind, I was figuring I was in for thousands of dollars between the repair and the rental. Although it would have been worth it, just to see my family and have such a grand celebration. It's been years since I've been up there, getting to be too hard with Ray.


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It seems as if things are moving forward and maybe improving, it is hard to tell at this stage what the outcome will be for Ray.  Get some rest and some renewal time while he is in rehab, that way you will be stronger when he comes home.

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Thanks Sue, I do hope for the best but also am having insights into the other possibilities that may be coming down the pike.  It's sort of like Ray's not really there anymore, which is scary to me.  He tells me to go home so quickly that I'm thrown for a loop sometimes.  But then again maybe it's just the infection and the tube feeding, if we can get those resolved things can still turn around. 

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Colleen, thanks for the update on Ray.  When Larry was hospitalized with pnuemonia plus the UTI, it left him very weak.  He was transferred to the SNF the very next day after the feeding tube was inserted.  Larry's case is different from Ray's as he had swallowing problems for quite a while plus no appetite to speak of.  While in the SNF, they gave Larry another Barium Swallow Test which showed he was also silently aspirating.  With the tube feeding he is doing well and gaining weight since being discharged from the SNF.  The home therpay dietician is the one who got him back on track with the right higher fiber formula.  I had asked for a dietician consult several times at our SNF and did not get one.  It will take a while for Ray to gain strength and the therapy will help with that.  I thank the PTs for getting Larry back to walking and being able to come home.  


My best to Ray and his recovery.  


Take care,


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Thanks for the info Julie, this is all so unexpected to me.  Ray is getting better enough that he is starting to complain, and I do want him to come home but am also enjoying my little break!  Hopefully I will run into some on-the-ball therapists like yours and there will be a happy ending.

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I too want to pass along my prayers for Ray and for you, it's not easy what you are going through... I been having therapy but haven't progressed much lately from the stroke in my mind but I'm doing OK I think..... Just haven't been going to church lately and that bothers me a lot but I been paying my tithes every Sunday by my wife.... God is still blessing me....

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Fred I'm keeping you in my thoughts, feel so bad you've hit a speed bump right now.  You always look on the bright side though, and that's commendable!

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Thanks Yvonne.  We have the mandatory meeting Weds about how Ray is doing and when they project he'll be released.  Meanwhile I'm getting some socializing in, so weird to just do normal stuff for a change.  Hopefully I will be fully recharged for Ray's homecoming!

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I hope the meeting went well, we talked -- hang in there, doing for Ray which is noble,is not always in his best interest . But caring for yourself is in BOTH your best interest . I know you are gaining strength, but you will quickly sap it again. 

My brother said this to me and it is how I deal with that wonderful guilt ( ok in small doses , not so good when you choke on it) so my brother said. You deal with you and getting better, God is dealing with Dan. If you could have fixed him, he would be fixed. If you could have made him happy , he would be happy. You did the very best you could, and now it is time to let go. I agree. We all have Bible guilt. But bear in mind many people who survive medical issues today, would not have in the biblical day. So comparing apples to oranges is not fair. Being fair to others great. Why is it we can't seem to cross the line of the advise we give. And we would never pass judgement on another so harshly. Be kind Colleen to Yourself and Ray. He need your survival. And I have proved one thing - care giving can kill you. And we certainly can't help anyone if we are not here. ... This is never meant to offend others. It is my own blog and a place to put my wonderful brilliance...... Ha Ha, I learned I am so close to the situation - I have no brilliance left........ Nancy

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Nancy, can't believe I didn't respond to you.  Yes I am in a special secret zone...remembering how it is to be "normal" yet knowing it will end.  Like Cinderella when the clock strikes midnight.  At least I know I need a full time caregiver to help me now, so we will see where it goes from there.

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