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Dealing With Ignorance



I put the following in the CPS forum. I wanted to add it to my blog because maybe even others without CPS can relate or offer me some coping strategies. Thanks for reading.


I am in a five star rehab center/nursing home. A nurse came in and wanted to know why I am on so much pain medication I replied because I have central pain syndrome from stroke. She said she saw lots of stroke people who never were on this much medication. I said because not all have CPS. She hung on to the bone saying that She never saw someone on this much medication and still not relieved. I said I was under the care of a pain center in the large reputable teaching/ research hospital and my doc is a pain management specialist who is an expert. The nurse said I was being defensive and misunderstanding her. I said what should I understand because it sounds like you think I am on too much meds so I am explaining why. Plus I know this "nurse" is still in a program at community college/joint university program because she told me so. Anyway I listened to her saying she is not familiar with this and then in the next breath saying she knew all about cps.


Bottom line is she is of the opinion I take too many drugs. I am not sure what agenda. Concern. Disgust. Judgment. I refrained from joking I am a legal drug addict because I wonder if that is her point.

She said she wanted to learn more about cps but when I suggested google,she said she did not need that.

What kind of conversation was this?

I explained this is a guinea pig stage where they were trying different drugs,combos,to see what helps me. I said I do not know why all of these meds do not help yet and I do not like being on drugs,and never took them before stroke. She said she was not implying I did.

Ok my head was spinning and I really need a pain pill she brought me. I wonder what is her beef really. I was shaking and needed to refocus reframe. Was she another one calling me an addict. She kept taking about in her experience,which seems like not so much. Was she doubting my pain in all those "I know you have pain but..." statements.


This is a forgettable conversation. But an example of dealing with the ignorant who will stay so.




















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Pam :


She was ignorant one about the condition & one with the opinion she knows better than all other doctors. So I know its hard when people try to judge us based on our condition, but it is better for us to ignore this ignorant people & pray they get educated enough & empathetic enough to be in medical field. I hope you don't get her remarks unsettle your happiness & peace of mind.



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In my line of work we have many future nurses and I wonder how in the world are they going to help someone when they are not getting it now. Sorry about your experience. After stroke one the doctors kept asking me why am I on 4 different high blood pressure medications as if I prescribed them to myself.

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LOL punch! The sassiness in me wants to say that I did prescribe them and wanted the pretty kinds! Seriously I have heard that blaming tone when questioned about meds. This same LVN said I should not be on what my dermatologist prescribed. No problem with it except what was in her mind.

Now I do not mind genuine concern but some are who knows what.

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Wow, what an awful nurse or nurse-to-be!!  Seems to me an appropriate time to keep in mind that old adage: "Don't worry about what people think....They don't do it that often."   Hope your doctors can find the right meds to conquer your pain; and someone or something to conquer that pain-in-the-ass nurse!  

My heart goes out to you, Lin

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