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I Have Sobs Within



I saw an eye specialist for nystagmus. I am not a candidate for surgery. I have slight strabismus too. The news is...drumroll please....my troubles may become better or worse over time. The bottom line is based on vision problems alone,not counting other obstacles, I cannot get my driving license reinstated today as things are. Of course I have so many other troubles besides vision. And I suppose they can all do better or worse. Honestly I spend more time worrying things will not improve than worry about troubles getting worse.

It was disappointing to hear what I already knew. But the real killjoy was understanding things could deteriorate.


I close my eyes and hear the jingle of my key ring as I start the engine. I loved the smell of that vanilla air freshener. I miss driving by the coast with the sun roof open letting in the smell of salty air and ribbons of sunlight. I close my eyes and see all the cars I have had over the years. All the miles of my life were lived in cars...carseats,strollers,hauling bikes, kid taxi,vacations, carpooling kids and friends. The fun of rental cars.

Inside my head the keening of a banshee wails unstopable but I cannot cry. There are still sobs within me but they are stifled,stilled,trapped inside those large orange capsules swallowed each morning that carry away my feelings as if that is the only place pain lives. I close my eyes and feel the steering wheel. I was holding onto my life,freedom,goals then.


Everything I see, things I do, my world is visual. Do not ask me to relinquish my sight. I think of my grandmother,a strong example of coping,living life to the full even with lost sight she could see. I am blessed even though I am mourning. I still need to quiet the sobs within.


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I pray for you daily I fully understand the sides within a year ago when I realized I wasn't going to be able to drive because of vision issues all I wanna do is sit and cry but emotions are dulled by the anti-depressants that I M on

The challenges of stroke survival seem to never end.

Bewell my friend you still have e the menories of whe. You could dri e.


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Hi Betsey,  I  know you are going through it.  I understand about driving, I live in Florida, where public transport is a joke. I remember thinking " I can not drive, oh no I be a shut in". There is always a way out of a situation. I went to my doctor who is great, and got a letter from her to get to ride on a disable bus, cost is $4.  I also have told my family, I need to be like "driving like Miss Dasily", which I am enjoying . Some times i dream of me driving but it is a dream.

You are in my prayers, my dear after the storm, is the rainbow.



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When I had bad news with Ray I used to "feel" tears running down inside my rib cage like rain running down a window  pane.  I would never cry in front of him if i could help it.  Now I am crying for you but praying for you too. Like Yvonne i hope there is a way others will step up to help you out in this situation.

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Thank you for listening and for prayers,and for sharing that you can relate,understand.

I was once told to never under estimate the Otherness of the Other,but it is a special bond when there is a connection of shared thought,emotion,experience that creates a bridge so one is not alone. And that is a cherished gift to me,thanks.

I have heard it said that God counts every tear we shed.I have so many unshed,I hope he counts those.

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Thank you for that compliment,I just write my blabbering rantings that overflow when I should be asleep. It is astonishing to me to be complimented on them,so thank you deeply.

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Hi Betsy, 


More prayers for you praying your eye sight will get better soon as a stroke is enough to deal with by itself....


Oh, the VA put lens in my eyes several months ago and I can see OK but I use reading glasses for small print but no more glasses to see for driving or anything else.... My drivers license still says (With glasses) but I got the cards where the lens were put in my eyes so I don't require glasses any more.....

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Pam :


I don't know what to say we are all sobbing & praying for you. I pray god realize he should go easy on you now. you lready have more than any one can handle. hope he realize that soon.



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Thank you Fred. I am so happy for you and the successful eye procedure that improved your sight. It is a miraculous wonder all that science can do. Enjoy all the beautiful sights around.


Hi Asha,

Yes I worry that God has forgotten his promise not to give us more than we can handle because I yelled Uncle long ago. With His strength I endure. With all of you holding me up, I am not alone.

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