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special dinner was great



welp i wanted to suprise my lil lady she was napping on the couch before she had to go to work and while she was napping i was planning a special dinner for 2

i went out shopping got wat i needed hurried got back and got started

wll hours later i awoke her escorted her to the dining room

where i had a candlelight dinner sitting there readuy to eat

i prepared steak biscuits and baked potatoes with a side salad

i also got her a card and i placed it so that when she lifted the card she would see

the surprise i got her also a angel she loves angels she was so happy and so su[prised she bursted in to tears bo hooing balling with happiness it went great

i was very pleased that i could please her the way i did so i gave myself a big pat on the back and a big add a boy cloud9.gif


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