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we moved



We finally moved to another home, it was lateral move just moved few houses down the street in better location and next to my brothers family, so it has added advantage of being there for each other more so. initially when hubby was keen on moving to this place kido & I both were not so much on board. I understood his reasoning so went along with it. but in the beginning was not very happy with amount of work it created in packing cleaning boxing, ofcourse he did lion share of work * I did where I could. we had family help us move in packing & boxing and for heavy stuff hired movers who did the job. Also family helped us in setting up our kitchen & bedrooms. Though first few days it felt like I m not making any dent in unpacking things just spending time in looking for things. Though finally got everything set up for my liking so able to find things & making it ours. during this move had another AHA moment on hubby's trick on not getting overwhelmed. since he was just taking care of work which needs to be done & not think how much is still need to do. you don't need light to see your end destination, you can move forward with your 100 feet lighted up with headlights. I feel this move brought us all more close kido also helped like an adult and consoled me when I had meltdown with amount of work to do, Ofcourse in my story all ends well we are enjoying spring weather all around our home while I m enjoying unpacking of boxes & feeling of accomplishment you get when you can finish organizing one bedroom at a time. So all is well in my qorld now.





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Asha, so happy for you and your family I know everything will be fine you know that too just take your time Settle Inn for the next leg of your journey


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Hoping your new home is a real blessing in every way!   Yea, that moving is a BEAR, glad you are past trying to get out of the old  one, and making the new one yours :)

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