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you don't need to see your end destination to reach there



As we are going through yet another change in our life we moved to our new home & started preparing our old home ready to put on market for rent. I used to get overwhelmed with amount of work it is involved in moving into new home & preparing things for all that is involved. I was admiring hubby's ability to keep calm in chaotic situation, when so many balls up in the air how does he stays calm & not buckle under pressure. he shared with me good technique on how not to get overwhelm, & Now I am following it & that is making me so relaxed about all this uncertainty & change life brings in our life. his trick is his comparison with car headlights with which you can just see 100 feet on the road & if u just keep on driving that 100 feet with headlight eventually you will be able to reach your end destination without able to see your end destination. I loved his comparison & now following it to T don't have to worry about end goal just keep on doing my part of what I have to do that particular day things get done. Slowly & steadily we are in much better shape in settling in our home & also cleaned up our old home so that agent can do their part of showing it to clients. with this moving I get so much feeling of acomplishment, every time one room is organized it feels great.




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Oh yes to this one!  Have a list of things that have to get done to reach the end goal and then just work your way through the list one step at a time.  It also means you can see the jobs you can give to someone else if you need to.  And that feeling of accomplishment when you cross something off the list

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Asha, as usual you advice comes just at the right time for me.  I have been thinking too far ahead, will slow down and just do the next 100 feet (few days). Your hubby is a wise man indeed.

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