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surviving stroke is lot better than not here to witness all life has to offer



life feels so fragile sometimes & you never know when your number is up. recently in our neighborhood very young guy age 45 died of sudden cardiac arrest, he leaves behind two young kids & wife. we never knew the family but went to their home to give our condolences. It feels so sad to meet such a young family to go through this big loss in their life. while walking back hubby & I were talking & were saying how given opportunity she would have rather have stroke survivor then no husband at all.I remember right after my stroke when future was so uncertain I was thinking dying would have been so much easier than surviving this stroke. but yesterday after meeting that young family & seeing their grief I shivered to think my family came so close to go through same predicament 12 years ago. life feels so random sometimes. Though today after 12 years on this journey we have gone through our own ups & downs & came out stronger as a family. Most days I m grateful & happy to be still around my lovely family. & look forward to playing with our grand kids & memorable vacations & our walks. I m thankful to stroke which woke me up from my sleepwalking through life & to be able to appreciate life's little wonders




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Thank you Asha for sharing this story with us.  Whatever the circumstances i am so glad Ray came through the many strokes and I had him as my husband for 44 years.  Yes he could have died in 1999 and yet we had those extra years as parents and grandparents to enjoy being a family and I am grateful for that.


I wish you and your husband many more good years together.

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You are so right Asha, none of us know in advance what life has for any of us we just go day by day and being a survivor is better than being a victum and never know what hit you like it did me but I got to the hospital just in timt as my wife was on a dental appointment and came home early to find me passed out....


I got to the hospital just in time and thanks to God I'm still here 12 years later.....

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Aha ( twin sister from another mother) although 9 years behind you on my journey, as I read your post, I thought oh my, I could have written that post. Thanks for sharing, very beautifully put.


Can't wait to someday have our families meet

Be well sis



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I agree so much Asha.   From my caregiver point of view, and it does matter the attitude of the stroker, but here I count everyday a blessing.   If he were mean to me, or one who couldn't see now or the future for the past, I couldn't say the same thing.   But I think he's even a better person than before the stroke - and he was good before.   He understands more things now, that escaped him before.   I hope to have many happy years left, and do not wish to be free of it at all!    I just want to be with Bob :)

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Yes, I choose life. After my stroke, I was struck with terror. I said to the nurse, I do not know if I can live like this. He said many people are born with dislabilities and they live.


I have intense daily pain too and I still am glad to be discovering how to live.

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