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I have been retired for 9 days. I thought that it would be harder. It was for the first 4 days. But this week it is easier. I am a caregiver and therefore I do not have as much free time as the usual retired person has.

I feel like I am crazy. I have always been an early person. I am still waking up at 4AM. But, I have been using my time and going to the gym. For a couple of days William actually was up andI took him and got his therapy done. But, then he started to rebel. So I just went on my own and let him sleep. I have a 6AM yoga class on Wed and thurs. I do my weights before I go to yogA AND THEN I manage to swim a few laps after and then I make it home to check on William I get home about 7:30 - 8 AM. Then I get William up and take him to water therapy. But today. I am having a new hot water heater installed. So i have to stick around the house. Depening ....how long this takes. I will take William to water therapy afterwards.


William has started to be beligerant about taking his pills. I have a sign up "NO PILLS then STROKE or DEATH". He does not like that sign. But, I explain to him that it is decision. Take the pills ...but there is a consequence and I will explain to the doctors that it was Williams decision. He really hates to hear me say that. Anyway, it usually works and he takes his pills.


Friday. William has a dental appointment to get the permanent crown put on. These appointments mess up my schedule.


But next week. I will have my routine and his worked out. Tuesday. We add on a bible study that I take him to at 11A. So I try to get his water therapy done early. Take him home and have him rest. then get him up for bibile study. I can usually slip out and take a class at the gym when he is sleeping. Or else I take our dogs to the dog park. I walk for an hour and they play around.


Of course there is the usual, laundry done early in the morning. I usually change the sheet and wash them every other day. this means a load of laundry every day. I like to hang the sheet outside to dry.


I am a fanatic about the floors. I steam mop them twice a day or even 3 times a day. I love to feel clean floors beneath my bare feet.


I volunteered at the community garden on Tues night. I really worked up a sweat pulling weeds. I have my ladies bibie study tonight. William is usally fine my himself or a hour or 2.


I longer have a caregiver since I am available all of the time. I am afraid that I suspect that my caregiver's husband was stealing from me. I had to let her go.


As my son said we are a vulnerable population for getting taken advantage of from people. You let people into your lives because you need them and then something like this happens.


I am conflicted about talking to her. She does not believe that her husband is capable of this sort of activity. But, I cannot afford to have her around because of him.


The hot water heater people are here now and work is started. Let's see how the day goes.


What is funny, Is that now that I am at home. I seem to have less time to eat. It has been 5 hours since I got up and I still have to eat breakfast.


I got some eggplant from the community garden and I still need to figure out what to do with it. I think that I will try an eggplant casserole that A lady was talking about when I was at the grocery store. I also got some malamar spinach. It is different and I need to figure out what to do with it.


I made a whole wheat pasta , collard green, asparagus, chicken salad. Very healthy. I did not put any dressing on it. But, William did not like it. I will bring it to bible study and have the ladies try it.


I am having time to cook, garden, play with the dogs. I am thinking of looking into some senior classes at the community college. But that will be next session. There is a lot to do. if you can make the time to do it. I also want to try to train one of my dogs to be a service dog.


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Ruth :


I am glad you are keeping busy in your retirement and planning to go take some courses in nearby community college that will keep you happy. those courses kept me engaged & happy in life.



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Ruth, glad to see you posting, how is William?? I got to get by you all one day I just don't know when yet!!! Take care tell him Fred said hello, hope he remembers me and my daughter that came to your home a few years ago now......


Oh, I think you got Shih Tzu dogs too so they may not make good service dogs at all.... Our female gave birth to six pups on Labor day in September we kept only one of them a girl so she grows up with her mom whom we had now for 4 years....



Enjoy your retirement!!!! :D

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Ruth, you need to make some time for those days out and bus tours you used to have with William, keep him interested in life.  So glad you are finding plenty to do in your area for retirees, I always liked to think of myself as a retiree because it puts that caregiver tag in the background.  Keep up the routine if that helps but allow some variations, life is short and you need to enjoy it.

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Congratulations Ruth! Been a haul for you, certainly. It is going to take a while to adjust to your new routine and season changes will bring about more. So glad you are able to spend time with new projects and fit in the therapies and routines that you like. William too will need time to adjust to your being home. Enjoy! And update when you can. Debbie

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