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Living In The Moment



Stop telling me to live in the moment. Some moments are painfully unbearable and only tolerable because I can remember a past memory that brings a smile as I relive it. Or project me into the future away from now. That vacation spot that is put off but would be as perfect if real.


I need to look ahead to a nice luncheon out in the real world. I want to sit on the fringe looking at my old familiar and visiting for a while. Shopping walking in a mall talking in restaurant sightseeing. I am more than a normal tourist. Tourist in my usual world. I love to talk. Even with my delayed speech I talk with everyone. Sometimes I cannot find words to say my thought and when someone gets it I smile and appreciate communication. They tell me it used to be more pronounced but it never stops me from talking in a dissertation group or in a grocery line. I guess it is nice I always was told by my mother that I talk like Dory from finding Nemo. I know now it is too much to finish and I mourn as licenses expire. My friends and family say fight for recovery and go play enjoy,go out live. Early retirement my son said.

I want to spend quality time without distraction.to know and love my children.


And then there was the cup that said stop telling me to be calm...because of all the merchandise that stay calm (fill in the blank). Oh it is probably always best to stay calm but there are times that ruffled feathers have brought about good changes. But usually as anger rises then judgement and thinking goes down. But it is Better being calm except when it is not.


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Pam, personally I love Dory

You and I are very similar I'm sure my family would say I talk like Dory also.

As far as living in the moment survive however you have to I try to live by the philosophy of carpe diem seize the day I guess that is the same thing as live in the moment


If your memories of the ultimate tourist help get you through those painful moments more power to you.


When you and I meet which we will somewhere somehow it will be a competition that's too who has the floor to talk.

Nobody can understand the pain that you're going through much like nobody can understand the depths of the depression I was in 2 years ago.

Just like I said to me oh I get depressed once in awhile to make a statement like that they do not have a clue.

Be well my friend my thoughts and prayers are with you,


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Hi Pam, It's not so much "living in the moment" you need to do as "living in the now"  The past can't be changed the future hasn't happened yet, so by being where you are now you enjoy what is enjoyable of what you have.  There's no problem with going into your head( for past or future dreaming) if the now is not good so long as you don't miss something good in the now because your mind was elsewhere. or if it means you don't work now for what you want later.  But yes finding calm is good, except when you need to use the not calm to achieve something for tomorrow, just remember that once you've made use of the anger you can let it go.


Hoping you find a balance that lets you be happy.



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Jay I appreciate it that you know. That is enough. That is everything.


I get it that no one can possibly understand. I too hate comparisons. I appreciate and acknowledge the attempt. However it usually makes me feel more alone disconnected. Did I or Do I try to console others with my flimsy yet all I had to offer comparison? Did I miss the glazed away stare in their forced nod of agreement? Why is it important to share to want another to see care acknowledge.


Yes Susan letting go is a stage most important exotic. Oh Yes I believe live for now mostly but now is undesirable boring. The past can haunt. The future is a blank canvas and now I hold the paintbrush but sometimes I do not.



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Pam, yes we all live in Limbo sometimes, hard to wait  peacefully and just allow time to pass and see what happens but good things do come into your life from time to time so anticipate that will happen.

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