Living In The Moment
Stop telling me to live in the moment. Some moments are painfully unbearable and only tolerable because I can remember a past memory that brings a smile as I relive it. Or project me into the future away from now. That vacation spot that is put off but would be as perfect if real.
I need to look ahead to a nice luncheon out in the real world. I want to sit on the fringe looking at my old familiar and visiting for a while. Shopping walking in a mall talking in restaurant sightseeing. I am more than a normal tourist. Tourist in my usual world. I love to talk. Even with my delayed speech I talk with everyone. Sometimes I cannot find words to say my thought and when someone gets it I smile and appreciate communication. They tell me it used to be more pronounced but it never stops me from talking in a dissertation group or in a grocery line. I guess it is nice I always was told by my mother that I talk like Dory from finding Nemo. I know now it is too much to finish and I mourn as licenses expire. My friends and family say fight for recovery and go play enjoy,go out live. Early retirement my son said.
I want to spend quality time without know and love my children.
And then there was the cup that said stop telling me to be calm...because of all the merchandise that stay calm (fill in the blank). Oh it is probably always best to stay calm but there are times that ruffled feathers have brought about good changes. But usually as anger rises then judgement and thinking goes down. But it is Better being calm except when it is not.
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