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So This Is Summer



My medication was switched with my neighbor friend

But i caught it. Dint take her meds. She took mine. But the nurse said it was tylenol she took She vomited all night and says she cannot keep her eyes open. It was lyrica 300 and long acting opana 10 mg. Opana is not to be given unless prior opiates used.


The nurse said he had tylenol in the med cup and that my cup was still on the cart. I told the next nurse that came on and asked her to check on her as the nurse said she did not know anything about it. But then the vomiting happened. I told the nurses what I thought happened. No supervisor ever came to talk so I wonder if it was reported and documented.


Thank heavens I check all meds.


But I am having a problem with passing out in public. When they wake me I think I am in my room asleep in my chair. Wait. They leave me asleep in my chair to awaken on my own overdue for pain meds.


But I am hoping to get out for a few day trips to see Summer outside. At least I am looking forward to it.


I have refused to let roommate trigger me. I ignore her mostly.


My activities director bought us new coloring books she liked! They are gorgeous and hardcover. This is how I will spend this summer.


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Good for you for always checking your med and not letting the room mate get under your skin

I hope that you can get out for a few days and enjoy the summer it goes by so quick

Enjoy your coloring books

Take care


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Spend some time out in the sun, sunshine is a mood enhancer so as often as you can even if it is only for a few minutes.  Glad that the nurse got you  a new colouring book, that will pass time, keep you focussed and cuts back on worrying time... :)

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It is so imporant to check our meds. The lady that is in charge at the center, got worng meds for her daughter. Good thing she checked, and noticed that they were a differnt color and shape from her last ones.  When she took them back, she was told " sorry' and it has never happen before".  


I have heard about these coloring books for Adult, going to get myself some. Get some sun, it lifts you up, living in Florida, waking up and seeing the sun, puts a simle on my face.



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I like the ones we got on amazon that pull up with search word secret garden. I am trying not to advertise! One of my cna's brought in books she completed and we chat about things


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