The First Year in The Little Pink House
We moved into the house in February of 2014. I retrieved all the vital things out out of their box homes and began to fill my new little abode that was heaven sent. Before we actually moved into the home we (Myself, my Daughter, my Husband, my Mom, and my Step Dad) wiped down all the walls and baseboards and then painted the two bedrooms. My daughter picked out her color(a beautiful bright lavender) and I picked out our bedroom color (Sandstone) and we brightened up the rooms quite a bit. We painted all the baseboards and molding a bright glossy white. Our bathroom was repainted a deep Taupe. We felt a breath of ease sleeping that first night in our own beds for the first time in three months. My job was a pretty high paced demanding one. I did lots of things on a daily basis. One thing that was hard for me was the inconsistency in the hours each week. At least 2 days per week I did the accounting office. I had to be at work at 5 am on those days. The remainder of the 3 days I would have one of three different shifts (morning 6 am-2:30 pm) (mid shift 11:30 am-8 pm) or (night 3:30 pm-Midnight). This varied every week and each week was a different schedule. So to say the least this was pretty hard on my body and mind. We also only had one car at the time and used it to get me back and forth to work and my Daughter back and forth to school and for whatever else we needed to do away from home. My husband (remember he is not working) is sort of old fashioned...he is from Argentina and is Italian. By the way he is a great cook. I was the one who did everything though laundry, dishes, cooking, cleaning, planning, changing sheets, vacuuming, name it I did it except for chauffeuring me and my daughter around he did that as well as work on the car, carry heavy things, be protective. For me it was a lot of responsibility. At work myself and my manager were responsible for passing with the highest numbers we could on our LP audit every quarter. We also managed the front end...each cashier, customer service and the clerks, baggers, the flow of customer traffic, lots of paperwork, the schedule, interviewing, hiring, firing, ordering supplies, making sure the bathrooms were clean always, floor sweeps (baggers), leaving only 5 or less carts that are not corralled in the parking lot at any given time, ensuring there were never more than 10 carts on the lot at any given time, answering non stop phone calls, overseeing issues with customers, registers, time management, and knowing our bottom end for the day and where we were at the hour so we could know when to call more people or send people home. There is so much more but I just can't remember all of it. Anyway I was stressed. REALLY STRESSED. My body was always hurting, and I would get sick often (I would work through unless I were basically collapsing because every hour I worked meant money we need to use.). I had a lovely pink home to come to every night but my stress began to just grow. I never made it to unboxing everything so we had a whole half a living room stacked with boxes. I just couldn't find the energy. My stress was beginning to be really out of hand but I didn't go to the Doctor. I don't have the money for a Dr.'s appt. so I would tell myself just to push through. All year long my stress and anxiety grew Christmas I was just depressed and I didn't do very much to decorate or celebrate...
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