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Sending Prayers to my family...



My Uncle Darrell passed earlier this afternoon. I saw him on Wednesday for what I knew would be my last time. Death can be such a double edged occurrence. He fought a long hard battle with cancer for one year. He proceeded without fear and gave all of himself. In the end he was a mere ounce of himself. Unconscious most of the time and always in pain you just prayed that his pain would be over soon. Then you have the other side my Aunt Sherry and their two children who are adults now have spouses and children of their own. Their grief has lasted a long time and will continue for a good while. My Aunt Sherry took care of his every need and was by his side nonstop. His children had all but moved back home to be close to their father. His grandchildren all asking why is PaPa sick when will he get better, why can't the doctor make his cancer go away. Just little angels too young to understand. They sit on that blade...teetering back and forth I know his death is coming but I want to have one more laugh one more word one more something. It breaks my heart. I talked with my Aunt Sherry when I visited and I told her about my first memories of her and Darrell. It was at my house and I remember a rocking chair and little black wirey dog named 'Spooky'. It brought a smile to her face and we sat and talked about their pets through the years. Good memories to talk about. I pray that she and her family will have comfort and know Uncle Darrell isn't in pain after fighting so hard anymore and is at peace. I pray that their heart ache will lesson each day and the ability to cherish those happy memories will start pouring in. I am so happy that they have been such a tight family around each other during this time. All my love and blessings go to them.


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I am glad you got to go for that last visit.  It means so much to the ones who are caring for the person when someone else comes by with their memories of happier times.  I know that was how it was for me during Ray's last year in the nursing home.  No-one can prevent your loved one from dying but they can accompany you on the journey and lift your spirits.

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Sue I wasn't sure how to be when I went but I just felt like I needed to talk about something good that I remembered. It felt so great when I brought a smile to her face. The last few weeks she has just been taken over by sadness. I'm so glad I found the right thing to say. It's hurts inside so bad to see people hurting and you feel helpless. Sue you are such a positive influence on here. I know you went through that all consuming pain and I am so glad that you, I think, are at a point where you can look back at the good memories. Thank you for the things you have said to me, it has helped me realize that I have been there and helped in some small way.

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I send my thoughs and Prayers for your Aunty and family.  It was good that you got to be there, and talk about good memories. Once the  shock of dead has  pass, it the memories you have, that crarrys you through the "rough days". 


God Bless you all


Love and Hugs



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