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Do You Believe in Angels?



Do You Believe in Angels? I do, and this is why:

When I was 12 years old, we had just moved half way across the country from California to Texas. It was my 3 biological siblings and my stepbrother, my mom and my stepfather. My stepsister still lived in California. We were a Military family. Disciplined. My little brother and I had just began to walk back and forth to school. (Remember, its the 1960's) One day while I was walking home for lunch, I accidentally went out the wrong gate. I couldn't find my brother and thought he had went ahead of me, so I continued on............the wrong way. I found myself in a not-so-nice section of town. I was crying and wondering why I couldn't find my way home. Then out of the blue an elderly gentleman appeared and asked me if I was lost and told me that I should not be on that side of town. I just knew I could trust this man. He did not grab me or try to take my hand. He asked me where I lived and I couldn't remember the address, but I did remember the street and the church across the street from our house. This elderly gentleman walked me home and watched while I crossed a busy street. When I told my mom about why I was late she looked out and could not find the elderly gentleman anywhere. I do believe this elderly gentleman was an angel sent to keep me safe. There have been other miracles in my life where I believe angels were watching over me. Thank Goodness.



SweetMom (Donna)


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I think so too.  I have had people appear out of nowhere to help me when I have been in trouble too.  We are protected when we are small and supported when we are older and need help.

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Donna, I definitely believe in angels in our outside world....I've been helped too.  In addition, when I joined StrokeNet, I never expected to meet so many angels here in our inside world (including you and Sue)!

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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I was in peaceful state with awareness of angels around me when I was at hospital with a stroke.


I sound crazy or fanciful to the world. I have no other word. awareness. so out of that I have belief.


Not what I would have talked about in academic world is it.

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