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wow wat a night



welp if you didnt hear there was a tropical storm that just blew threw georgia

i think her name was cindy oh boy was she ticked off to

it hurled tornadoes everywhere they were popping up like pimples on a

old mans ass now i hear this am that london has has bus and train explosions

o boy hope nobody was hurtwell tg i didnt get a tornadoe here at my home anyway but we did see the shies light up all night with lightining bolts everywhere

they were beautifull though

i have a busy day planned today so i want ramble to much

gonna do my kitchen duty dish's counter tops mop floor then run vacume in house im gonna surprise my sweety today im gonna run a line of rose petals

from the front door upstairs threw the bed room into the bathroom

were she will find a hot bubble bath all in candle light

then when she comes down from bath i will have dinner waiting on table

ummm i think tonight ill fix bbq porkchops corn , lima beans

with biscuits and some mashed taters possibly

uh oh im gettin hungry now thinking bout it

welp im off have a great day to all

remember allways strive to be better and be the best you can be gleam.gif


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What a sweet wonderfully romantic guy you are. Pace yourself, or you can forget anything happening after the bath!Have fun and enjoy


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nope sorry there is only one of me and pam im am prepared for the after effects of the bath to hun lol

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