Wow people record their lives on the phone
I took pictures,made albums, used cam corder for events, but I wonder what life would be like if I posted life to the public. And who watches strangers, or even friends when they record stuff. I watched a you tube with adorable kid. ok sweet fummy, but then there were other videos, going on for years, about the kid,the family, and suddenly half an hour later, I had watched,birth, vacations, and this child growing over the years,and I felt like it was some movie,and hey I cant wait for the next one, and whatade looking through this key hole so entertaining. And it felt weird that this child took selfies and talked to camera.
I interacted with my kids, sang,drove,without being on camera all the time.
I worried about perverts.
They were in plays, public dance shows,so that was public, but not people seeing us in pajamas cooking breakfast.This is weird world to me.
Live streaming, blog influencers, what???
It is gossip tv gone wild. Do I care, do I have time? What does it do to us,to children,
this is a strange world I will be leaving.
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