After Everyone



I kept thinking,  after I've done ____ for ____ I'll get back to the site.

But along comes the next Fill In The Blanks.

Is it wrong to put myself first? Is it? It feels wrong. But good wrong.

Like, I just got a puppy wrong.

Her name is Riley, she's 12 weeks old and we got her from the dog shelter.  I love her so much. We didn't need another pet, she's #7, but hey. What are you going to do?

She snuggles in, licks my hand, and looks at me with unconditional love. She's all mine. I share her, because I want to not because I have to.

It's heaven. 


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No it is not selfish to take time fir yourself. We all go through periods when everyone demand we do this or that for them but at any time it is your right to say : "No" and take some time for yourself. You are a person too. And we love to hear from you.

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wow that puppy look so adorable,  I hear pets provide unconditional love unlike children.   I am glad you are able to take care of so many pets. I can't, so even when our son when he was little & wanted pet we said no. I am glad you are enjoying your pets.






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Asha, I really can't look after that many pets! 

We have three rabbits. They have a life span of up to 8 years. One is 6, the other two 4.

Our old dog is 12 and has lots of cysts. They are "ok" at the moment, but worry the vet. 

Riley is a beautiful lap dog, and I'm sure she'll comfort us when we start having to say goodbye to other babies...

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