Feeling Loved



Yesterday I took Riley for a ride on Henry.  This morning Wayne was doing stuff in the shed, and had the dogs out the front. I had a doctor's appointment.  As I went up the driveway on Henry, Riley followed me. Wayne picked her up so I could leave.
When I got almost to George rd (100 metres from home), my phone rang. I answered it on my watch; it was Wayne.
I said to him: it's ok, she's here.
Exactly as I answered, Riley jumped up onto Henry. 
Apparently as soon as her put her back on the ground she chased after me. He walked around and took her home. He said no amount of calling her was going to work.
Very naughty I know, and it was probably more about Henry than me, but I definitely felt the love!!


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Jannelle there is nothing like a family dog to make you feel the full focus of their attention is on you. Yes, real love. Family is just not as rivetted...lol.

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Nothing like that love is there. A pity she couldn't go to the doctors with you.  Just had a thought about your exercise goal and using your legs more. Maybe Riley can ride on Henry with you to the park and then you can both have a play/walk and ride home. Good for both of you. But it will make it harder to stop her coming with you to the appointments she mustn't go to.

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Good idea Heather, we have a beautiful foreshore footpath that goes for about 6 kilometres. It's just down the road. We could definitely do that.

The only trouble is yes, once she's been out on Henry she thinks every time I go out, she's coming!


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Love that photo Mark, He looks like a real charmer, no wonder you miss him.

Janelle for your Riley I guess it's like training about going in the car or for any sort of walk. Maybe start with putting her lead on as if going for an ordinary walk and then letting her ride with you when she gets tired, but she's not allowed on Henry except when she has her lead on.  She'll work it out quick enough.  Lead on She can come with you. lead off shes not allowed on Henry.  Just like she doesn't leave the yard without her lead on. But I guess it also depends on what rules she already knows.  Will be harder if you've been spoiling her 🙂


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Mark, Riley is just gorgeous.  What a beautiful happy smile he has! He will be having adventures over that bridge...so sorry your handsome boy is no longer with you.

Heather, my Riley is looked upon with  my rose coloured glasses, that I cannot deny, but I definitely think the lead idea is a great one. Will discuss it with Wayne, as he'll have to be part of the training. 


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