Happy feet , happy heart
So after talking to my doctor about my Raynaud's and when he looked at my feet, after being in my thermal socks in a faux fur boots, my toes were already blue. So we're kinda thinking it's more stress related. Starting around July, I start wearing sock and slippers inside and warmer socks when temperatures change. We both were perplexed about my toes because , for most people and before it got worse, the pain only came when the blood returns, whether with clothing or in warm water, and that is how it was for me::
Step 1. turns numb and white patches that look like a cadaver foot.
Step 2 & 3 blue or purple
I'd soak in warm water and then the 'pins and needle' feeling would comes as they warm up..
But now I go from step 1 to 3 ( deep purple) and the two toes are in absolute pain. Pain to touch or anything touching it. The pain in unlike any pain I've felt before.
I would run my tub , lukewarm only, and place my feet in there and when the blood and feelings would come back I would have the 'pins ad needle' feelings, much like when your limb was 'sleep' and waking back up.
This time, yes I can still do that but just for two toes, one on each foot, are so painful I can't even put into words. Air, water or socks, basically anything touches or even 'thinks' it, is worse then it has ever been.
Most people, and I was once one, it was uncomfortable but not extreme pain. This is nuts. I never had an issue ,with pain, nothing more than the usual. My father is mainly in his hands, my aunt is mostly feet and so on back in my family is varies.
For Christmas, my mom would get me 'winter socks' that were more cute than what I needed. I tried for years to explain what I needed and until now she , thankfully, saw why I needed the thickest thermal socks available. The problem is when I was married or at my parents house, I was not on the ground floor. Concrete under carpet. So that must explain it right? NO for I've lived here for over 6 years and never had this.
Most information you read about Raynaud's talks about cold weather and stress. Cold weather is the biggest trigger and mine but also stress that happens all year and in all weather.
It happened in the summer when I was trying to walk in hot sand and I was stressed over that for it was post stroke and unless I have a solid flooring, walking is so difficult.
I was trying to walk and not fall and I started to panic.. I lost the feeling in my feet, numb, and I ended up with a 2nd degree blister under my foot. I don't walk on sand anymore for my father is the beach director , where I go, and he drives me ,or a one of his workers , to the location I want to be and I text him and he picks me up.
(( I'm very lucky to have such a super dad and I know it... I love him))
We are going to try a low dose of Verapamil ( is compatible with my other medicines) to see if that helps (Taken a night). I don't have high blood pressure and have to have weekly checks with my doctor to monitor my pressures unless I feel to light headed then I am to stop immediately.
We are going to try this - and we will go from there.
I've crossed checked my medicine with this new one as well as my doctor and pharmacist. There is always a part of my brain that always worried that, 'Will my blood pressure fall so low I won't wake up because I take some strong sleeping medicines at night?' I know my doctor would never allow anything to happen but you know...... fear.
So far it's been OK. My feet aren't cold , I've not stopped wearing heavy socks or slippers, and my side effects are mild. Nausea, constipation seem to be the biggest.
And I've been experiencing something that I've not had in a long time.. hot flashes. I'm turning the heat down to almost 60° but I always have a sweater, hat, gloves ,blanket and scarf for when the temperature fluctuates . I just hope that my fans will be good for me in the summer or else I will be giving my electric company a bonus. I wish I could have solar but living in an HOA either we ALL agree or nothing.. 😞
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