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Where does my time go?



Just about to go into autumn here. I will be glad to see the end of summer, I haven't enjoyed summer this year, far too hot and humid and with the heavy waist to toe elastic stockings it's been soooo hard to combat the heat. I am glad the cooler weather is on its way but will miss daylight saving. I've enjoyed sitting on the verandah watching the light fade away in the evening in the last few weeks and the sudden silence when traffic dies down and the local commuters are all home at last. Peaceful.


The social activities have accelerated in the past couple of months, it is in February that meetings and meet ups get more urgent. I've caught up with older friends for lunch including one of my sister-in-laws and a couple of school friends. Unfortunately with ones I haven't seen for a while I have noticed the ageing since I saw them last and they probably noticed the same in me. I've almost lost the five kilos the physio asked me to lose so I am thinner in the face, not a good look as you age.


Went to a High Tea at one of our bigger resort hotels last Saturday with the Stroke group WAGS. It was a lovely time of fellowship and a good time was had by most but I managed to eat something that didn't fit in with my allergy list and suffered for it. It is my fault, if I think it's possibly not something I could eat and get away with I should NOT eat it. My bad. Even at my age I yearn to be able to eat all those luscious, gooey, sugary desserts but one little tiny, delicious, caramelly sliver of slice can just be the tipping point. It was supposed to be dairy free but I doubt it.


It was nice to get together with my Stroke Survivor friends and their caregivers. A couple of the widowed men bring a paid carer along to help them with toileting etc and they have become part of the group. I still go as often as I can to the monthly meetings as these people are a big part of my friendship group as are the people on here. I move forward but where possible I hang on to the friends I made during my time caring for Ray. They are precious to me.


I am planning a couple of short trips before winter closes in on me. One will be just an overnight in Sydney. Probably in the hotel I was in on the way to Canberra as that is quite pleasant and close to Central Station. I don't want to have to drag that suitcase too far. I can stay away a night or two, no pets and in winter the garden doesn't need watering as often. It is time I visited the city and browsed around the shops or looked at an Art Gallery or two. Can't become too much of a country bumpkin can I?


If you are reading this and haven't updated your blog for a while it would be good if you could do do. Otherwise I am a Blog Moderator with no blogs to moderate.



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